I'd Rather

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I'd rather die trying,

Than never have tried at all.

I'd rather take a chance,

Than never be afraid to fall.

I'd rather have faced the clouds,

And stood in all the rain,

Than to be stuck in the dark,

And never have experienced pain.

I'd rather know what it's like,

To learn and not be told,

I'd rather have felt the burn,

Or the freezing, frosting cold.

I'd rather have stood,

And faced my fears,

Than break in danger,

Or fall in tears.

I'd rather have spoke,

Out of the crowd,

And let my voice be heard,

Clear and loud.

I'd rather have glared,

Than just cast a glance.

Because the best thing is,

Taking a chance.

The Poems of Far AwayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz