Saying Goodbye

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I'm shedding my skin,
Letting it go,
Spreading out,
Goin' with the flow.

I'm relaxing now,
And falling away,
From the pain, that--
haunted me each day.

I'd gripped onto the pain,
For years and years,
I didn't want to lose,
All of my fears.

I wanted the old life,
Before it all hurt,
I wanted it back,
Before it was dirt.

I thought hanging on,
To the past wasn't wrong,
But I should've realized,
That it was truly gone.

So now I'm letting go,
Of all the old pain,
Seeing the new day,
Shooing away the rain.

Say Good-bye,
To the one who used to be,
Say Good-bye,
And Hello to a brand new me. 

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