The Selkie

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One clear and perfect day,

I found myself at sea,

Alone in my little boat,

Alone, yes, but free.

Yet, all of a sudden,

The smooth, calm water,

Became a wrath of,

Hell and Ocean's Daughter.

I was in a storm,

Of great, terrible power,

Luck was not with me,

In that dire hour,

for I was thrown overboard,

Where water shook and tossed

My frail body,

Surely I was lost.

Yet two strong arms,

Took hold of me,

And carried me safely,

Through the stormy sea.

I woke upon a shore,

Of my savior there was no trace,

And all that I could see,

Was a fleeting face--

And lest I be mistaken,

Or maybe my eyes were frail,

But if I was sane and good,

I saw a seal's tail.

A Selkie had saved me,

But no answer to why arose,

For when it comes to the reason,

Only the Selkie knows.

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