Watch Me Fly

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I'm breaking free,

Of my chains,

Of my burdens,

Of my pains.

I'm escaping from,

All your rules,

All your bonds,

For the innocent fools.

Confusing me,

No more, I say,

I'll leave your 'confusion',

Far, far away.

You broke my wings,

I let them heal,

You took my emotions,

But I can still feel.

Now I'm loose,

Now I'm free,

I'm not a slave,

And now I'm me.

You can catch me,

Well, you can try,

But in the meantime,

Watch me fly.

Hope you're loving my poems :) This one's about breaking free from him, or her, the one who kept you bound in your old form.

Here's to free hearts.

~Pandy :)

The Poems of Far AwayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz