A Best Friend

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A best friend,

Is one who pushes you--

But doesn't push you beyond your limit.

Just enough

So that you know you're capable of great things.

A best friend,

Is one who has that comforting presence,

That makes you feel like you can do anything,

And you can

Shout to the world about your friendship.

A best friend,

Is one who listens, one who stays there,

Maybe they can't comfort you,

Maybe they can't make it better,

But they stay there

Like a comforting nightlight, who listens and shines as your guide through the dark night.

A best friend,

Is one who moves you towards the right decisions,

To make you shine and dazzle,

And sometimes,

They do the wrong decisions,

Just so you remember what it feels like to be a bit rebellious.

A best friend,

Is one who reads this poem,

This sort-of okay poem,

And knows it's about them,

And their best friend,

And realizes

How much they mean to each other.


To all the best friends out there--stay with each other forever.

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