While thinking if he'll ran away now or not, he noticed a golden chain around his right wrist, glowing and seemingly untouchable when his left hand tried to reach it. But when he tried it again, it solidified under his touch.

"What the heck is this.." He whispered under his breath, eyeing the odd chain.

"That's our chain!"

Dipper spewed incomprehensable words, almost falling on the ground when the taller man grabbed him by the waist. Which made him blush in embarrassment, no fucking way, he's being held like that by a guy he just make out with and to be more precise someone he doesn't know.

Finally, he looked up to man infront of him.

Only to meet a pair of bright eyes, with it's shining blond hair that beats any sun or stars that every shine in the whole universe. It was so bright, the brunet has to look away, flushing his whole face on the drain.

The tall man enjoyed how the other man reacts when their eyes meet. To be honest, he truly missed the young man and it's curiousness. He always knew; he was the one he is waiting for.

"W-Wh-Who are you anyways!?" Dipper exclaimed, still looking away, his hands balled on the man's chest. One more another surprise, he'll seriously punch him on the face. No matter how handsome he is.

The blond almost laughed his ass off, but if he did, he's sure Dipper will punch him judging by the balled fists on his chest.

"My, you don't remember me?" He sang, holding the other man's chin and closing their space between them.

Dipper froze and has no choice but to stare at his eyes, he grew uneasy and disgusted. Not only to him, but to his own being too.

"W-What do you mean? W-We never met before! Either way, let go of me! And this stupid chain!" He whailed.

"Ah. I'm hurt, Pine Tree! Calling our bond 'stupid.' You're the one who hold my hand, sheesh, your 'eager to know' seriously got the control of your head." With that one hint that the taller man gave.

It spur many memories back at the brunet. His eyes widen but no emotion can be read on them. His lips parted but no voice coming out from them. It was as if, he was on mute and he can't speak nor understand everything.

But then, the one who just kissed him is Bill Cipher.

A sweat rolled down on his neck making his skin crawl, but he still haven't reacted. Only a statement though.

"Oh shit-"

"Hup!" Bill covered the brunet's mouth, following a wink. "Don't say such foul words in such place, especially when in front of me, love~!" He sang.

Dipper could almost vomit. At that wink but fortunately, he didn't. Which is almost impossible, he pulls away from the hold of his chin. Just by looking at him, he feels disgusting.

"Shut the heck up, Cipher! What do you mean by bond!? To hell with that!" He exclaimed.

"Ah ah!" Bill hummed. "That's exactly where is the bond strenghten! In Hell!" He chirped. The happiness and giddiness of his idiotical character is still there, doubted it will ever go away.

"And by bond you say is this!"

Bill leans in and pecked Dipper's lips, which made him gawked and pushed him away or so, shoved the demon away from him.

It was a huge force, Dipper almost tripped over because of a dumb rock at the ground but managed to keep his balance. He wiped his lips, trying to get the disgusting feeling on his lips. He noticed the golden chain, connecting all the way to the demon's neck.

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