Goodbye to Rainbow Bay Island.

Start from the beginning

Stuart wanted to tell him he was the best man a guy like him could have but refrain and feigned a confused look. "What about you?"

"Arent you going to tell me something?" Leon gave him a puzzled look as he turned fully to him.

"Tell you what? I have nothing to tell you." He scoffed, looking away from him and out the window.

Knowing Leon, Stuart wasn't surprised when the man leaned his shoulders on his then tilted his head back to him. "If you don't want them to hear you could just whisper. Or I can tell them to close their ears."


"Guys, do you mind giving us some privacy?" Leon asked, not once looking away from him.

Andres snorted. "Yeah right. No, we have somewhere to be and we need to get there. Beside, I doubt it's worth stopping the car for."

"Oh and I really do want to hear what Stuart gets to say." Vlad snickered.

"Oh mind your business." Leon rolled his eyes but a smile worked its way to his lips.

Leon was beautiful.

With that genuine smile on his face it felt like he was glowing. Brighter than Stuart had ever seen him. And the way he looked at him... Stuart wanted to say it. Stuart wanted to say it so bad.

"Leon, I-"

However, Stuart never got to say it because Leon covered his mouth with his and gave him what felt like the last kiss they would ever share.


      Standing in front of them were Dave, Ramus, Bonnie and Langdon. They stood right in front of the white line that demarcated the Rainbow Bay and what was beyond the Rainbow bay. Ramus and Langdon each had a briefcase and the four of them turned the minute Vlad pulled up.

     The four men jumped out of the car and Andres stretched as they walked up to the four of them. Andres had only met Bonnie and Langdon before and he immediately smiled at the familiar faces. He had met Bonnie in the hospital and she had been really worried about Leon. Langdon had been the man in charge of the Daddy of month in his section of the estate. They had had little chats and the man was fun to talk with.

"Hey Langdon." He waved at the man but the American seemed to not have heard him and was staring blankly at Stuart. Stuart however, was blatantly avoiding the man's gaze and that made Andres quirk a brow.

"Bonnie." Leon smiled at her.

She returned it then said, "Hey Leon. You look good."

Leon shrugged. "That's a good thing right?"

Bonnie only smiled and one of the two men Andres didn't know stepped forward. He was young, definitely younger than him and he held a brief case to his thigh.

"My name is Ramus Campbee as the most of you know. With me are Dave creed," he pointed at the other brown haired beside him, "Bonnie Seinfeld and Langdon Ross. We are The Gay Project's representatives and we are here to give you your final reward."

Ramus stayed quiet and allowed Dave to pass an envelope to the men. Andres glanced at his then at Vlad who was already reaching into his envelope.

     Bonnie cleared her throat to get the men's attention then read out loud what was in a similar envelope:

Dear Men,

This is what we call our finally reward. After that, the choosing shall begin. To compensate for all the wrongs we have caused you, a check of 1 million will be found in each envelope.

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