Chapter 79: Going Nowhere

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My eyes slowly trail up to see the two hated faces which I started to hate with all of my soul and heart.

Ana and my own brother Steve.

Every time they passed me through the hallways those two start whispering and she starts to giggle. Very obvious they were talking about me.

"Ignore them." Emilio brought back my thoughts. "You keep letting them keep doing whatever they are doing and you just concentrate in yourself. You matter Danielle and I don't want you to suffer because of them."

"I just wish that witch will be gone." I gritted my teeth.

"And how will you do that?" He asked.

My eyes stared into his and I spoke with my eyes. His eyes went round as he got my message.

"No Danielle no." He pulled me in his arms and held the back of my head.

"I must." I whispered. "I'm tired of them laughing at my face."

"Danielle you don't have to go in those extreme measures."

"Then what am I suppose to do???? Sit and watch them do everything?" I felt my eyes start to water.

He kissed my forehead and made me forget everything.

As much as I wanted to run and chase after Ana and just kill her right there, I couldn't. 

The innocent always gets caught.

Besides, I wanted Emilio to be proud of me.

"Your right." I had to give in. "Note that I'm not going to do anything because of you." I chuckled.

"You're good Danielle and I won't let your hands get bloody you hear? Not even if they deserve it." He gave me a quick kiss and suddenly......

My eyes locked on my brother's.

He saw us kiss.

"He found me!" I whispered.

"Who found you?" Emilio turned around and his eyes also locked on my brother's.

Steve quickly walked off into another hallway but there was no doubt he saw everything.

My own brother saw it and now came the worse part.

"He is going to tell."

"What a big baby." Emilio frowned.

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