Chapter 70: Now I See It

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For the first time in my sixteen years of life, I could finally see my skin. After the many years I suffered through my strange allergy condition, for once I could breath. No more cracked elbows and bleeding hands, no more of the losing of the voice and the itching, and so long to those scarring rashes. I could finally see my normal soft skin start to grow on me. Now I felt beautiful than ever. That one secret that I've kept for so many years from the people was no longer a secret. Even with all of my anger going on I could manage to control myself and right before my eyes I see a very happy mother and father.

"It's a miracle." My mother gleamed with pride.

"Finally a cure." My father smiled.

I couldn't help but feel accomplished. Years in fear that people would reject me was long gone. It all happen so suddenly that I had no clue what cured me from my condition. All I remembered that even with stepping in the grass got me sick or the distance trace of a cat who walked a few minutes ago was a problem for me. Now for the first time I was showing my arms in the sun and finally feeling the grass beneath my feet.

"Must have been the radish syrup we gave you." My mother tried figuring it out.

"Or simply God heard our prayers." My dad gently grabbed my arm and started to inspect it.

Indeed I was different now. There were many times I tried telling someone, anybody, about my condition but I always felt the fear of people rejecting me more than I was already. The only one who knew part of me was Merlyn other than that there was no soul in the world who knew me.

 The real me. 

Even when I was with Joe, I tried telling him but I felt scared he was going to leave me. I guess part of my weird behavior was because I had that strange condition. I wasn't normal and I wasn't expecting anybody to accept me. 

I trace my skin knowing this time I was cured.

"Now for step three thousand: to be a triumphant woman." I smile at the thought of it.

Nothing was going to hold me back now. It was now or never. The cure was all I needed in order to be the real me. To be the Danielle that everyone and including me wanted. I was only one step closer to prove everyone that any shy, nerd, girl freak like me, can unleash beautiful things that everyone thought wrong. People would think of me as a freak but now I was going to be something more than a freak. Those stereotypes like girls like me being socially awkward, not attractive, loners, glasses wearing, quiet and vulnerable girl, was soon to be proven wrong. I was going to be something more and with this cure before me, I'm going to be walking down a red carpet and beating asses that should have been beaten long time ago.

Beautiful and dangerous is the key to success.

Now all I needed now was to find my happiness.

Wherever it was... I was willing to find it.

Even if it means taking things under my charge.

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