Chapter 11: Slowly (Part 1/2)

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Friday February 14,2014

"So what's his name?" My only friend, Merlyn asked as we walked to lunch.

"What? Who?"

"You know who don't act dumb with me." She insisted.


I gave a nervous laugh and started to speed up my walk.


"And don't even think about lying. Your blush says it all." She pursed her lips.


I felt my whole face redden. It's not my fault I easily blush. I started to play with the sleeve of my jacket and my jaw started to quiver. I don't know why but I somehow wanted my relationship to be a secret not because I didn't like him , but I get nervous and shy when I speak of him.


"Joe." My voice squeaked.

"Yes." A deeper voice replied.



My heart stopped beating and I felt my blood run cold. The spine of my back trembled as I slowly looked up. In front of me was a beautiful white and pink rose and in my seat was no other than Joe.


"AWWW!" Random people started to awe.

He handed me the rose and gave me a real hug for the first time.


"Happy Valentines day." He whispered in my ear. "See you after school before you go." He smirked and gave me one last hug before he went to his class.

"It's beautiful." Merlyn eyed the flower.

"It is." I replied gazing at the rose in my hands. "Because it's from him."



A/N: Sorry it was short but just decided to leave ya'll in a  cute little cliffhanger :P

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