Chapter 10: The First

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My eyes stared deeply into his dark brown gaze. His sweet smile kept replaying in my head. I don't know how but this stranger out of nowhere managed to win my heart. He was that special person I needed in my life.


"What are you thinking?" He scooted closer to me. His soft hand touched mine making electricity fly out of me.

"You." I smiled.

"Guess what?" His eyes trailed down to my lips.

"What?" I whispered.

"I'm thinking about you too." He put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"How much do you like me?"



At that moment I realized we were once again by our self in the gym. I felt my palms start to get clammy and the atmosphere around me became frozen and cold. To be honest I didn't like him...I LOVED HIM.

"Eh in a 1-10's an eight."

His eyes went round and a huge smile crossed his face.

"An eight? Eight?"



I only nodded, already embarrassed of what I said. From the looks of it he was impressed with the number. His whole expression lightened up making me accomplished like I made someone's day the best day of their life.

"And you? How much?" I asked. I was actually nervous of his reply since I wasn't the best nor the only girl that has existed.

"I think..." He pondered for a while.

Every second he took felt like if the moment he would reply would be the end of the world.



"Danielle I love you as big as the sky." He replied.


I realized then that numbers were endless for him.



"You're the first girl that I've ever been, that I'm very proud to say, that I'm in love." He smiled warmly at me.

"You know what?" I scooted for the first time closer to him.


For the first time I wasn't afraid of him. For the first time I actually smiled to a person who I would never guess would take a huge part in my life.



"What?" He rose an eyebrow curiously with a small smirk in his lips.

"You're the first guy in my life."

"What?! Really?!" He was shocked but in his eyes I could see relief.

"Yeah no kidding. Consider yourself lucky." I winked.

"I'm. Very lucky to have you." His eyes went to my lips.


All of a sudden I started to feel all fidgety. His hand tensed over mine realizing that I was uneasy.


"Come on." He cleared his voice. "Let me take you to your class." 


Oh I was one step ahead of him. I walked as quickly as I could in the hallways. He was right in my heel till suddenly I grabbed my hand. I tried flinching back but his grip was strong.

"Please Danielle." He pleaded. "Let me hold your hand."

I gave him an awkward smile and grasp tight on his hand, afraid that I was going to lose him in the swarm of people. I dragged him along until we came across my classroom. He was breathing hard but a smile was on his face.


"For starters I felt like a ragged doll being pulled." He laughed.

"Sorry." I laughed slightly and looked down on the floor.

"No need. I'll see you tomorrow then." He gave me one of his sideway hugs and walked off.



I took a deep breath as my jaw started to tremble. I felt my knees go weak and the back of my neck shiver. I felt something sinister about to happen but I had no clue what.

"Tomorrow I'll tell him." I whispered to myself. "Tomorrow he'll know."


A/N: All right my lovelies don't forget to vote and leave me your lovely comments. Hold on to something tight cuz this is about to get bad >:) 

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