Chapter 76: Will, Done, I'm Too Late

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"I'm going to meet my boyfriend's  parents today." That infuriating voice of Ana was heard when I was walking towards my fourth period class.

"You are so lucky." One of her friends squealed.

"Rats." I mumbled under my breath. "I'll make sure I poison all of you."

I walked right past them and pretended I didn't hear them. They just don't know how to anger me much more. I had to find out if it's true or not. You can never be careful without having surprises. Though I doubt that slut will ever get my parent's approval but then again....

After school I had to warn my parents before it was too late.

When I finally arrived home I waited for the right moment to ask my father at least. Just when my brother went to the bathroom to take a bath, I took my next move to the next level.

"I heard them." I whispered.

"Who?" My father asked.

"That Dog." I gritted my teeth. "She said she was going to meet you and I heard Steve was going to ask her hand like for marriage."

"Where you heard that?" My father narrowed his eyes.

"Oh I see!" I growled. "You think I'm making all of this up right? You are wrong. The one and only Ana the Dog said it out loud so I could hear here loud and clear. Not only that, her friends are getting involved too."

"You know that will never happen." My father rose up and walked off to the kitchen leaving me with my mouth open.  

He was hiding me something and what stays hidden, eventually comes out.


"We will be back for you later." My father told me as he was dropping me off in the Library.

"I rather stay here all day. At least I can get rid of  my stress unlike home." I emphasized.

"Enough with your nonsense we will be back after we pick up your brother from tutoring." My father rolled his eyes and drove off, leaving me in the dust and hot sun.

I quickly got inside and the first thing I did was get on Wattpad. 

I need to investigate everything before it was too late. 

Earlier at school Merlyn warned me something about Ana. She told me Ana said this and that and whatever she was planning got me worried. Then my fear started to rise when Emilio told me the same thing right before I left after school. That bitch is planning something very suspicious and she got my brother to help in her dirty little plan. My brother never stays for tutoring but today he gave my parents the excuse that he had Pre-Ap classes and needed help.

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