Author's Note

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  Woo! First author's note to start off this series! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter as much as I enjoyed dedicating time to make it to your liking. As you should notice, there are a lot of jokes in this, and yes, some of them were intentional, to make this story a little less dull. Don't hold my humor against me please. That is all for now update wise, chapter two will be out as soon as I can type it up, edit it, and have my proof reader's approval. Once again, I hope you liked it, if you have any jokes you would like to see in the story, pop by my profile and leave me a comment, if I like it, I will happily add it to whatever this thing is at the moment. Also, the first person to tell me what my character is, gets a small cameo, or an event happening in the story. I do not expect this story to hit high expectations, I do not think so highly of myself, but I do hope for all those who dedicated themselves to help me out, to enjoy it, as well as them getting a huge thank you from me. Thanks for reading <3


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