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I see the black Range Rover pull up and stop right in front of me. Of course he took this car. He never gets to drive it and now was his opportunity.

I walk up to the passenger side of the truck and open it. The hot air of the heater hits me warming me up from the cold outside air. He looks over at me waiting for me to give him an answer.

"She was never on drugs." I say to him.

"What? What do you mean 'she was never on drugs'?" He asks as he stares at me in astonishment.

"Johnson, she was doing some sort of experiment with the army or something and was trying out this torture drug. She just now finished this experiment of hers." I tell him.

"So she never tried meth ever?" He asks me confused. I nod my head and look down at my hands.

"How could she not tell me about this? How could she just...why is my life so screwed up?" I ask Johnson and look at the house then back at my hands.

"Jaylyn, it sounds like your life is getting better." He says to me.

"No. Cameron is also lying to me. I'm not helping him get his brother. I'm helping him get his girlfriend." I say and rub my eyes as I remember what else happened in the car. "Then he kissed me and I felt so guilty about it and I don't even know why! I'm lying to all of my friends, my dad is hurt and...and..." I don't get to finish what I'm saying before my neighbor's house rises up in flames.

I quickly run out of the car and into the house without any hesitation. "Jason, Lauren!" I shout throughout the house. Where could they be? "Emily?" I shout again. The sound of the house burning down slowly made it hard to hear anything. Smoke was quickly filling up the house and my lungs and I was breathing it in. I pull my shirt up and over my mouth and nose so the smoke doesn't get to me as fast. "Where are you?" I shout again looking around the house.

I run to the master bedroom and find Lauren asleep in there. "Mrs. Evans! Wake up!" I shout trying to wake up the sleeping woman. Her eyes open slowly and they shoot open as she hears the alarms. "Mrs. Evans get out now!" I shout. When she gets up I realize she just had surgery on her back. "Get on my back." I say and squat down so she can get on my back. When she's on I go to the front door where I run out and place her in Johnson's truck.

"Emily! She's still inside!" Lauren shouts. I look back at the house and run inside to find her daughter.

"Emily? Where are you?" I shout.

That's when I see her. She was trapped in the corner as wood was falling around her. She was screaming and crying. Poor girl was playing in the kitchen when the curtain caught on fire from a candle. I make my way to her pushing beams out of the way trying to get to the girl.

"It's going to be okay." I say and pick her up holding the toddler against me to make her feel safe. As soon as I pick her up I carry her towards the front door. Johnson was standing outside the front door waiting for me so he can help me get Emily out. There was already a beam from the ceiling blocking the door so it will be difficult to get out.

"Jay, hand her to me." Johnson says as I make it to the door. "I called the police and the others already." He tells me. I lift Emily up and hand her to him. He gently sets her down and turns back to me. "I'll lift you out." He says and comes back up to help me. I grab the door frame and look for a place to put my foot without it getting burned. Before I could go anywhere another beam breaks and falls. I dive out of the way and slide into the kitchen. The door was completely blocked at this point. All the windows were blocked even in the bedrooms. The fire spread throughout the house eating up everything it could.

My last resort was the backdoor. It was sealed shut. All the houses were like this. They were all sealed shut. It was like someone cemented it closed.

I run over to the back door jumping over beams and avoiding fire on the ground trying to get to the backdoor. The damn thing was never opened. I pull as hard as I can and nothing works. I put support on my arm by leaning on the counter. Then I push the door and it still doesn't open.

"Jaylyn!" I hear someone shout. It was Nate. "Jaylyn are you okay?" I hear him shout.

"Yea I'm-" I scream before I can finish my sentence. The counter caught flame and burned my tricep.

"Jaylyn!" Nate shouts. My skin turns red and starts to blister and bleed from the severe burn. I need to find a way out of this house. The firemen and police were just now arriving, and the house will explode before they can get to me. I know it will because the fire was making it's way to the gas stove quickly.

What was I going to do? I look around and try to figure something out. That's then I realize it. I grab the handle of the backdoor and put my foot up to the wall and push with my foot. My arm lays on the counter and is getting burned more and more by the second as I try and get out of here. After moments of trying I'm forced back and I fall to the ground. A wooden plank is on my side and is burning me as I try and force myself up. I got the door open. I got the door open! Thank God I got the door open!

As quick as I could I force it open more so I can get out. As soon as I do I stumble on the ground and the house explodes. I cover my head with my arms to make sure nothing hits me. Pieces of the house fall around me and go out quickly as the snow puts it out. I smile and realize I made it out alive.

I did something completely stupid and still made it out alive. I've done something so selfless and almost got myself killed just because I wanted to help out some neighbors that mean nothing more than people I baby sit for.

When I stand up and turn around I can see the flashing lights of the fire trucks and police cars. I look at my arm and see that it was bleeding much more and the burn was awful. It covered almost my entire forearm as I notice. I start coughing from the smoke in my lungs and feel like my skin is being ripped apart. I lift up my shirt and to look at my side and stop before I even got any of it lifted up. Pulling the shirt off felt like ripping a band-aid off but a hundred times worse.

I walk slowly around the house as my body was tired. There was no possible explanation on how I was walking right now. My body tells me to lay down and sleep but my brain tells me to get to Johnson and the others so I can get help.

When I get into view of the guys I start to feel much weaker. My legs felt like a bag of bricks. Everything felt heavy. "Come on Jaylyn just a few more yards and you're safe. You can do this." In the end my body got the best of me. I fall to the ground hitting the freezing cold snow.

The snow hits my burns and they start to feel awful. Have you ever been so cold and you take a hot shower it feels like it's burning you? That's because when your body reaches one extreme temperature and you use the other extreme on it, it feels like it's burning. Right now my arm and side feels like it's burning all over again.

I let out a scream as the pain gets too much for me. I couldn't handle it. There was too much going on.

"What was that?" I hear someone ask. I continue to lay on my back in the snow and stare up at the stars as they figure out where I was.

"It's her!" Someone shouts. All I hear is snow crunching and people shouting. 

"Get a stretcher!" Another person shouts. I feel my body being lifted off the ground and put on to a stretcher. I was put in an ambulance, and the last thing I remember is hearing the sirens go off before I black out.

Love, Nate (N.M)Where stories live. Discover now