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"Thanks for breakfast." I say to Nate as he parks his car at the back of the parking lot.

"You don't need to thank me. We do it a lot and you're a part of the group." He says while taking the keys out of the ignition.

"Well thanks anyway. You have done more for me than anybody ever has." I say and get out of the car. "I better get going. You guys don't need to be seen with me." I say and run up to the school to get away from the group. These guys have a image to hold up too and don't need me to alter it. Sure I do hang out with them a lot but it doesn't make me one of them.

I say that like its a bad thing but it's not. Those guys are some of the nicest guys I've ever met. Besides the whole drug dealer thing they really are nice people. They all care about one another like the way Jack Johnson was cautious about telling why Sam was upset. Or when Taylor broke his arm Dillon made sure he got to the hospital. It was amazing to see them like that. In the end I see why Violet stayed with them. They take care of her and when she's with me all she does is take care of me.

The bell for lunch rang while I was sitting in calculus. I pack up my things and walk out of the classroom. The hall was empty when I walk through it slowly to the cafeteria. I've always hated walking to the cafeteria late. All the people stare at me and watch me sit down alone. It's sad. I hate it.

"Jaylyn." I hear someone say quietly. When I look up I see Cameron standing there. My heart freezes. Why is he still here? I thought he would transfer back. Never would I have thought he would stay here. "Jaylyn thank god I found you." He says. I continue walking to my locker without stopping for Cameron. "Please listen to me. I need to tell you this." He says.

"What could be so important that you have to come talk to me about? Huh?" I ask him.

"I need to tell you what's really going on. Okay?" He asks.

"You have two minutes." I say to him.

"Us being together wasn't fake. It was all real. All of it. I really did and still do love you. The whole girlfriend thing was a way to break your heart. My boss made me do it to so it would ruin Nate. I don't have a girlfriend. You were my girlfriend. They had my little brother and threatened to kill him. They made up that story just to hurt you. They had me wired so if I told you the truth then they would kill him. I'm so sorry I did that. I should have told you from the beginning." Cameron explains.

"How do I know that you're not lying to me now?" I ask him.

"Because of this." He says and shows me something on his phone. When it opens I see a video, a live video. It was of a little boy sitting in a corner of a room crying.

"Is that your brother?" I ask him. He nods.

"I just want to get him out of there. You're the only person I can trust." He says.

"Okay. I have an idea." I say and we start to walk to my locker.

When we get to my locker Cameron leans up on the one next to it. I open it up and an envelope falls out from it. I pick it up and look at the front of the envelope. It says to JJ on the front of it again.

"Who's that from?" Cameron asks.

"I don't know." I say and put the envelope in my backpack.

"Wait so you think Nate will really help me with this?" Cameron asks me as we meet up after school's out.

"Yes. Especially because of what happened with my brother." I tell him. He nods and we walk out to the parking lot. Cameron would be taking me home since he lives the closest to me. I didn't want any of the others to be bothered by it.

"How are we gonna approach it?" He asks me unlocking his truck and getting in it.

"That's what we're gonna figure out." I say and get in the passenger side and we drive back to Cameron's house.

From Nate: are you okay?

"I think Nate knows I'm with you." I say to Cameron as he was sitting on the floor and I was sitting on his bed.

"Why?" He asks and flips through his notebook.

"He just texted me asking if I was okay." I say and look at Cameron. He keeps looking at his notes. He kept tabs on all of their movements. He also had someone helping him get his brother set free. So when he is all three of them can get far away from here.

To Nate: yea I am. But I've got to go. I have a lot of homework.

"Okay so what can we use to help us with your brother?" I ask and get on the floor next to Cameron. 

"So they go on a rotation every two hours. Each rotation leaves the door unguarded for exactly 30 seconds." He tells me and puts his hands up to his head. I look at all of the notes he has. There are so many things in here that I could be with so much use for. 

"Cameron. I have an idea. But we can't talk here." I tell him. 

"Why?" He asks me. 

"You said they come by your house right?" I ask him. He nods. 

"Then were gonna need to go far away to set this up." I tell him. He nods and we start planning our trip.

Love, Nate (N.M)Where stories live. Discover now