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"Are you ready for this party?" Violet asks me.

"Not really and we still have like 5 hours till it starts." I tell her.

"So I don't care." She says and sits down in her seat in our theatre class. Today we were performing our short plays in front of the class. Our teacher also invited other classes to come watch which I hope none do. Like I said I'm not one for big crowds, and this is the one class that I really don't have to be in front of a big crowd for.

"Okay Violet and Jaylyn you're up first. Go get ready please." Mrs. Damon says. We nod get up to go backstage. We were doing a play on a girl who has a drug addict of a mom. Of course my teacher gave us this one. I didn't say anything on it because nobody besides Violet knew about my mom.

We go backstage and Violet gets dressed. She was wearing baggy clothes and I help her do her make up so it looks like she really is a user. Me on the other hand wear what I wore to school. Which was a pair of denim skinny jeans, with a white long sleeve shirt and white converse of Violet's. My hair was in a french braid and my glasses were on.

"Okay we've practiced this before, and remember if I start to make you super upset snap your fingers." Violet says. I nod and I go get on stage. I was sitting on my bed scrolling through my phone as the lights turn on.

"Where have you been?" Violet shouts as she stumbles out on stage.

"I've been right here." I say and start to get up out of my bed. "Mom are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine. But why are you pointing a gun at me?" She asks.

"What? A gun? Mom are-you're high aren't you?" I say and approach her. Violet says nothing stands there as I pretend to look in her pockets for drugs.

"What are you doing? Get your hands off of me!" Violet shouts and pushes me away. I stumble back but still stay on my feet. "You're trying to take my stuff aren't you? Why don't you go and buy your own!" She says then pushes me again. When she pushed me I stumble back and I fall. I land on my hip and yell out in pain. That wasn't a fake yell either. My mom threw things at me last night and some hit me on my hip it bruised it so bad and now it hurts to walk and sit down.

"Please stop!" I shout and put my hands up. I wasn't acting I wanted Violet to stop, this was really starting to make me scared. I keep seeing my mom as Violet screams at me.

"No! You can't steal anything! Get out!" She screams. I stay on the floor and pretend to be crying, yet I was really crying. All of this seemed to real. She storms off stage and I lay there for a few seconds. The lights dim and you can't see us anymore.

I go over to the fake bed and grab out a little plastic gun. It looked real. While the lights were still dim I pull out my phone which was connected to a speaker that Violet brought. I open my phone and click on the sound that makes a gunshot. I hear girls scream and some guys swear as the noise surprised them. I put the fake blood liquid on the side of my head and squirt some on the floor. I then lay down next to it and have the gun resting in my hand. The lights turn back on and people gasp.

Violet comes back onto the stage and screams. She runs over to me and picks up my head to place it in her lap. "My baby. What have I done?" She says and fake cries. The lights turn off letting the scene end. We both stand up and walk backstage and let the next people to perform set up. "You did amazing! That scream. Your crying. Perfect." She says. I nod and keep looking down. "What's wrong?" She asks me. I grab her hand and pull her to a lighter corner of backstage and pull up my shirt and pull down my jeans a little.

"My mom threw things and hit me last night. It caused this bruise." I say and show her the huge bruise covering my entire right hip.

"Oh my god. Jay is that why you screamed?" She asked. I nod. "I'm so sorry." She says and gives me a hug. I hug her back. "Let's get you cleaned up and go back in the audience." She says.

A few minutes later we got the red liquid off of me and made our way back to the audience. We sit in the row right before the classes that came to watch.

"Hey you did a good job." Someone says to Violet." I look up and see that it's Dillon.

"Thanks." Violet says and starts talking with him. He was flirting with her of course.

"Be careful he flirts with a lot of girls." I whisper so only she can hear. She nods and continues to talk to him. Typical Violet. The bell rings and that means school is out. Thank god. Now I can go home.

"Hey uh Jaylyn." Someone says. I turn around and find a kid from my English class standing there.

"Hey Chris. What's up?" I ask.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" He asks.

"Yea. Violet's making me go." I say as she walks towards me.

"Awesome. So I'll see ya there?" He asks. I nod and he walks away smiling

"What was that about?" Violet asks.

"Just kids being weird." I say as we go to her car to go back to her house so we can get ready for this stupid party.

Love, Nate (N.M)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt