Trick and Treat

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I walk into school on this rainy Friday morning. Today I was supposed to meet. Someone who gave me a lot of money to get ready for what seems to be a date. It was really weird to have them give me money to get all of this stuff done, but it was the nicest thing someone has ever done for me.

When I open my locker everything falls out of it. My books, binders, pencils, everything. The kids in the hallway just laugh as I struggle to pick up my things. My hands were shaking and I hurt all over. I have tried to be tough but this past week had been awful. My mom has beaten me worse then before because of how much she's taking, and she's also getting drunk. The two don't mix.

I've also lost my best friend to the person who got my brother killed. They don't know the truth but Nate and his gang do some terrible things that I thought Violet would try and avoid. Obviously I didn't know Violet as well as I thought I did.

"Do you need help?" Someone asks as they help me with my books. It was Cameron.

"Yea. Thanks." I say quietly. He nods and helps me with the rest of my things.

"So...are you going to the party tonight?" He asks.

"Probably not. I have a dinner thing tonight. If it changes I might." I tell him. He nods.

"Well if you need to get picked up I'm only a phone call away." He tells me. Cameron has been a great friend since I met him on Monday. He's told me a lot about himself which means a ton to me. Violet didn't tell me anything that was going on with her and her ex until they broke up. The very first day I met Cameron he told me about his ex.

"I'll remember that." I tell him. He smiles and we start to walk to class. He was new to school here, and for us living in New York it's hard to make friends.

"So what's your dinner thing for?" He asks me.

"My dad. He got promoted so his job is throwing a dinner party. He's very important to his company." I tell him. Cameron nods and we continue to walk to class. The truth is that my dad is a Navy Seal. People might not believe me when I say it but he was.

My dad loved my mom, he did, but he had to leave her. Knowing that he would hurt her if he defended himself against her. He also left her because he was PCSing. PCS means permanent change of station. He was moving to London. My mom didn't want to go and my dad couldn't risk her going with him because of her addiction. He could have gotten fired and then we would have no money. Every month he sent money to the companies for us to continue to live in the awful house we do. But it's better then no house.

"That's good. What is he promoting to?" He asks.

"CEO." I tell him. He was really a MGySgt. Master Gunnery Sargent. My dad was excellent with guns. Also my dad trained with some of his friends that were Navy Seals. They're all MCPO's. Master Chief Petty Officers. Navy Seals are trained to kill. They're pretty much the Hulk of the Navy.

When my dad met them all they all were just kids. Around 17 like me. When they all turned 18 they went into the work force. They all stayed in contact and trained together to be the strong and courageous people they are.

It took them a year or so to finally all be stationed together. They all lived here in New York. That's when my dad met my mom. They met each other at a bar and continued to hang out. The day my mom knew that she loved my dad was when he protected her from a guy shooting up a grocery store. My dad risked his life to save the many strangers in the store. He disarmed the man and tied his hands with zip ties until the police came. That's when my knew she loved him.

A few years later they were married and had my brother. My brother is two years older than me. He's 19 now. His birthday passed recently and I celebrated it on my own. Even if he was gone I still celebrate it, I miss him and I just wanted to do something nice for him.

Love, Nate (N.M)Where stories live. Discover now