Nineteen- Getting To Know You.

Start from the beginning

He laughed at me, keeping his eyes on the road, "If it wasn't for you being in the same year as me in college, I'd think your still a kid." He teased.

"Whatever." I sighed and turned up the radio to drown out his chuckles, but failing because he immediately turned it back down.

"So, are you looking forward to our date?" He grinned, turning to face me.

"Keep your eyes on the road, idiot. Dying is not on my to-do list today unfortunately. And whatever you think this is, it's not a stupid date." I yelled.

"Alright alright, whatever you say London." He smiled, turning his eyes back to the road.

"So what do you have planned for today?" I ask genuinely.

"It's a surprise, but I will tell you one thing. We have a long car journey. We can only make one stop if we wanna get there by tonight, so make sure you get everything you need when we stop off." He said oh so casually.

"Tonight!?" I yelled, "Where are we going!? Japan?"

"Calm down London. I promise you, it will be worth it. And you no what people say about my promises.." He winked.

Thoughts raced through my mind about what we were doing ? And where we were going? It had to be far because we were driving all day, Hmmm, what on earth could we be doing?

I literally had no idea.


The car journey was quite pleasant. We sang along to songs on the radio and bickered lightly like we'd known each other all our life's. We talked about our favourite food, drink, movie, books, musicals, song, musician, actor, you name it, we spoke about it.

"So what about your family?" I asked as I gazed out of the window as the truck tore through the open dirt path.

"I have a big family. I have five brothers and three sisters. I have 2 aunts and 6 uncles, and as you can tell, my family's a big fan of reproduction, so I can't even begin to count how many cousins I have, they've probably doubled since the last time I checked." He chuckled.

My eyes bulged, "A big family? You don't have a family tree.. You have an entire forest! Jesus Christ!"

"What about you?" He asked after he finished laughing.

"My family's tiny, especially compared to yours! It's just me and my dad at home, my mum's not around. No brothers or sisters, two aunts and one uncle. One cousin. That's all in the Lewis's family tree." I laughed.

"That is small." He replied, deep in thought.

"So tell me your brothers and sisters and that." I said, breaking him out of his trance.

"Well, the youngest is Louie. He's Ten, the artsy type, real talented. Then there's Lucy, she's fourteen, animal lover slash book worm. Next there's Tyler and Danny, they are now.. Sixteen, I think, both typical twins, always up to no good, athletic, heartbreakers. Then there's me, complete sex god." He winked, causing me to roll my eyes to high heaven, "Jake is nineteen, he's a dancer, ladies man slash player. Ruby recently turned 20, she's a pianist, studying music, again, real talented. Craig is twenty one, he's a paediatric doctor, or in other words, child's doctor, specialises in kids and teens cancer. Jesse is twenty, a wedding planner for celebrity's, she's completely over the top and dramatic and she's currently planning her own winter wedding.

And my mum and dad. Well, my mums names Cindy, I'm a real mummy's boy, would do anything for her but if you tell anyone that, I will kill you. My dads names Freddie, he's the traditional dad, fishing and camping trip type. And they both look at each other like it's the first time they laid eyes on one another." He smiled, obviously thinking about them.

I felt a twang of jealousy shoot through my heart. I'd always wanted a big family, loads of brothers and sisters at Christmas as we sat round the table bickering over who ate the last after eight chocolate and things like that.

I'd always wanted an older brother and sister, always always always a big brother to protect me and beat the crap out of anybody that hurt me or broke my heart and a sister to share all my secrets with and steal clothes of.

"What's that look for?" He asked, now the one breaking my train of thoughts.

"I was just thinking how lucky you are; I'd love a big family." I sighed.

"I know, they drive me crazy but I wouldn't have them any other way." He grinned.

And I smiled to myself. It was so easy to be around Logan. The silences were comfortable, the conversations were easy and the banter was great. I had a feeling me and him were going to be great friends.


Logan stopped driving and I looked around. We was in the middle of no where. What the hell was he doing?

"Ok London. I know how much you love this car, so.. It's your turn to drive." He smiled uneasily.

My jaw dropped open as excitement started to bubble in the pit of my stomach. "Are you kidding!? Don't fool around with me Logan!"

"I'm being serious. But this is my baby, crash her and we are no longer friends.. plus you'll owe me £29,000." He said seriously, sounding as though be was regretting letting me drive ready.

"Oh my lord. I won't crash I promise!" I almost screamed, jumping out the passenger door and literally running round to the drivers side, impatiently pulling open the door and dragging Logan out.

"Easy London. I know you like your hands on my body but there's a time and a place." He winked, walking round the the passenger side and sliding in.

I rolled my eyes, to excited to come up with a come back. I jumped in the car and started bouncing in my seat.

I slowly twisted the keys and the engine started to vibrate through the car, causing goosebumps to appear on my arms. I have the brain of a guy I swear. I really do love cars.

"You are not going to regret this!" I smiled a genuine smile as I put my foot down on the peddle and let the car roll down the path, sighing at how nice the truck felt to drive.

Logan was nervous for the whole two hours that I was drove. He was sitting on the edge of the seat watching me and watching the empty road like a hawk, incase something would magically appear and I'd crash.

Eventually I couldn't take the staring anymore and switched back to the passengers seat.

I was tired, but content. It was the little things in life that pleased me, and overall, today so far had been a good day.

But it was starting to get dark and my eyelids started to get heavy. After some I fell into a peaceful sleep and dreamt of a huge family Christmas.

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