Chapter 14-awake

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-Ravens POV-
I wake up. I can't remember anything. I sit up and look around to find that I am inside a small wooden room. I am alone. I can't feel my hand under the covers and I can't move it at all. I reach for the covers with my other hand and pull it of. It's gone. My hand and my arm below my elbow is gone! Suddenly all the memories come flowing back to me. The girl. Getting bit. Carl..."CARL! CARL WHERE ARE YOU!" I cried, I start to panic and my body trembled in shock. I suddenly see Carl come running though the door. He looked at me, his eyes wide open and his eyebrows raised. and then he lookes at my arm. "Raven..." He runs and falls on top of me. He covers my face in kisses and I start to forget everything.  "I was so worried I was going to lose you!" She whispered in my ear. It was like the eye incident all over again! I hugged him so tight. I never want to let go, but he eventually does and looks at me in the eyes. His hair was soft and his skin was pale. He leaned in and kissed me, I could feel his tongue in my mouth. I suddenly heard the door open again. My eyes shot open and I pulled away from him. I see a tall man with a curly beard that was brown with strands of gray in it. "Oh sorry Carl-I-i-was just checking if you was okay." He said embarrassed but was smiling a little. "It's this is Raven, my...friend" Carl said turning towards me. Friend? Friend! I think he knows that we may be more than friend but I will play along. "hey!" I said smiling at him. " hope you are feeling better!Carl can show you around the village when you are feeling up to it! Hope you like it!" He says walking out the room. "Ugh sorry about that!" He says frowning and then laughing. I laughed with him.
"So are you ready?" He says smiling
"Ready than I will ever be."
Authors note//
This story is going to end soon!! Not many people are reading it and I know it's getting boring haha. YEY Raven is okay feww💗
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