I Wanna Write You A Song

Start from the beginning

"Hello, I am looking for Niall Horan" I whispered down at the women below me.

Her eyes instantly got big with suspicion "Are they expecting you?"

"Yes" I quickly shot back

She picked up the phone and began dialing for their room. I watched as her fingers hit 1-2-1-9 "No answer, sorry" she looked up at me but I was gone. I had already rushed for the elevator nearby and hopped in. I pushed the 12th floor button and waited impatiently as the doors shut. Once there I scrambled around in the dim lighting looking for 1219. At the end of the hall read 1217,1218 and 1219 all positioned together. I took my chances and knocked on 1219. My fist pounding against the door loudly. A large man who I recognized swung the door open and closed it behind him, guarding it with his arms folded across his chest. I tipped my hat up so he could see my eyes.

"Its awful early to be here" he rubbed his eyes irritatingly

"I need to see Niall" I told him

He opened the door behind him and ushered me in. He put his finger to his lips as if to tell me to be quiet as we walked around the hotel room passing multiple beds. He led me through a door where two beds were positioned in the room.

"Nialls is the one near the window" he pointed to the corner.

I walked over to the bed quietly. I put my bag down on the floor next to his bed and sat on the windowsill across from him. Niall's face was under the covers but his blonde tipped hair peeked out the top. One leg was swung over the sheets and all that covered him was a pair of navy blue Calvin Klein boxers. I watched his chest as it lifted when he breathed in and out. Reaching down at my feet I unlaced my tennis shoes quietly and placed them below me. I peeled the covers up and squeezed in next to him, my face against his. I wrapped my arms around him gently as not to startle him and pulled his face to mine waking him with a warm and sweet kiss.

"Brooke?" he whispered in confusion as he opened his eyes rubbing the sleep from them.

"Yeah, its me" I held him tighter

"I don't remember this being apart of the plan" he teased

Holding back the anger and worry in my face I lifted the giant diamond ring placed on my left hand to his face "Neither was this." I grumbled.

"What the fuck?" he sat up in the bed and looked me deep in the eyes. "When did this happen, and why didn't you just say no?" he yelled

"Shh! Everyone is sleeping" I shushed him "He didn't give me a chance to say no. I stood there and said nothing. I was in shock. Then he was yelling to the cameras that I said yes and flashing the ring around to everyone" I said defending myself.

"This is mental" he shook his head. He rushed to the bed across from his and came back quickly with a very tired disheveled Louis by his side.

"Mate, its nearly 3 in the morning" he stood against Niall with his eyes still closed.

"Louis I need your help" he pointed to me sitting in his bed with my knees pushed to my chest holding back tears.

"Everyone's still sleeping, lets go to the living area" Louis began walking to the front of the hotel suite which I had passed on my way in.

Niall and Louis sat on the couch with tired eyes and looks of confusion, Niall pulled me to him and sat me on his lap. "Talk love" he put his hand in my hair.

I had never even met Louis except for passing him once or twice on the red-carpet and a brief moment at the studio. "Hi Louis, I'm Brooke" I went to shake his hand.

[Niall Horan] Hollywood GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now