Chapter 6

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2 Months Later

I am finally going to graduate high school and go to college. Waiting for this day took forever. I wanted to get high school over with because let me tell you, it's hell. Drama is everywhere. It's in the halls, the classrooms, the bathrooms, just everywhere. Trying to stay out of it my whole life has just tired me so much. Now that is out of my head, I feel much better. Blake and I have been dating for two months. Everything is going pretty good between us. After graduation Blake is headed off to France for his modeling career. I am going to miss him, but I'll see him in a couple of months. Ali and I are going to the same college, Penn State. She is also going for the same study, being a Lawyer. 

Oh and how can I forget about my brother, Andrew. Yes apparently they had called after Easter vacation and said he will be shipped to Iraq two days after my graduation. My parents and I will miss him very much. We are having faith in him that he'll be home safe soon. As for Caleb, his mom is supposed to be here tonight. I am actually nervous of meeting her. Caleb had said she's just like him but in a girl version. She is only here for five days, she then has to go back and do some work on her book.

Caleb and I had laid low. Our relationship is nothing more than friendship. We never talked about what happened between us that night. I just couldn't talk about it, neither could he. I am also going to miss him too, because he is being shipped to Iraq in July. Him going to Iraq, is making me nervous.

"Is your mom almost here? Dinner is almost ready." My mom said as she mixed in some cheese into the salad. Oh God please help my mother. She is always like this when someone new comes over. She's nervous, energetic, impatient, everything has to go her way. It's kind of annoying. But that's how she is.

"Yea she should be here soon." I look over at Caleb and smile. He looks sexy today, oh what the hell, everyday. He has on a light blue button down shirt that brings out his eyes, dark ripped jeans, and white Jordan's on. I try to look away, but I just can't . He smirks at me and starts to set plates down on the table.

"God I hope she doesn't embarrass me." Caleb laughs and I watch him as he runs his hand through his hair. Everyday my feelings have been growing for Caleb. So far we have been getting closer. Laughing, I walk over to him and wraps my arms around his body hugging him.

"I'm sure she won't." Looking up into his eyes, he strokes my hair and smiles. My legs start to tremble as I stare at that beautiful smile he has plastered on his face. He is one sexy god, he'll always been one in my book.

"Umm, am I interrupting something?" My brother walks in and sets down the plate of turkey on the dark, glossed table.  Caleb looks away from me to look at Andrew. But I can't seem to look away.

His jaw sharp, his hair all messed up and sexy, his beautiful sea blue eyes staring away, yea, I can't look away.

"Nah, we were just talking." He lets go of my body and sets down the last plate in his hands. Andrew gives me a confused look, but I turn away.


"What are you looking at?" I question Caleb as he stares out the window.

"You know who, my mother."

"Oh, of course." I laugh gently. A car comes into our view, and we brace ourselves.

A moment later the door bell rings, of course Caleb opens the door.

"Hey mom. It's been awhile." Hearing him say that, sends an 'awe' escaping from my lips. It's hard not seeing your parents who raised you for a couple years. I don't know how I would put up with it, I love my parents.

A lovely slightly older woman walks into the hallway, she stops and stares at me. "Awe Caleb, you didn't mention she was that beautiful." After overhearing her say this, I feel my cheeks start to warm up. No one has ever said that to me.

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