Chapter 9

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Listen to the song during the scene when Caleb and Aubree meet again, or listen to it during the love scene!

I can't stop looking at him. Every time I see Caleb, light feels up inside me and I get nervous. Blake doesn't give me that effect anymore. Things between us have been awkward, and every week we have been getting into fights. But this one we just had last week, well it was the worst. I don't know if we will be together ten years from now, God only knows.

"What are you staring at?" The man says. I look over at him and roll my eyes. This guy is annoying me now.

"Look. Can we just forget about dancing. You can go on and find other girls. Besides my boyfriend doesn't like me dancing with other guys." I lied.

"Whatever." He sighs and walks away from me.

After he leaves I order a shot of tequila. I need this shot to have fun and stop stressing over Blake. It should help me out, because life is a bitch.

"It's been awhile, Aubree." I feel his warm breath against my ear.

Caleb, oh God. I didn't think he saw me. I turn my body around and come face to face with Caleb. He looks all grown up. I never thought I would see him again, but who am I kidding, the world is too small.

I give him my greatest smile and take a sip of my water. "It has been. I never thought I would see you again."

He lets out a small laugh and sits down on the stool next to me. He doesn't say anything but takes my tequlia and drinks it. Oh, damn. There goes my shot.

"Yeah well here I am." He sighs. What's wrong with him?

Looking into his eyes, I gently place his hand in mine. The spark of our touch, and my attractiveness to Caleb are still there.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Oh, yeah. Don't worry about me. Wanna dance?"


He gets off the stool and helps me up. We walk over to the dance floor while the next song starts. He moves behind me and places his hands on my hips as I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling my body closer against his. The gap between us is no longer their, but the sparks between us still lingers.

I sway my hips to the song, grinding against him. He also sways his hips with mine, creating a rythm.

"I missed you Aubree." He whispers in my ear.

Hearing his voice makes my body fill with desire, wanting him more than I ever did before. His touch making me want to hang on to him forever.

I smile while I place my hands on top of his, holding them in place. He lays his chin against my shoulder, holding me in place not wanting to let me go.

"You know I always miss you." I look to the side and smile.

* * *

A couple of minutes later the song ends. Caleb lets go of me but moves closer to me.

"Wanna take a walk?" He asks, implanting a kiss on my forehead.

Nodding my head, I take hold of his hand and hold it. I don't know how I lived my life for the last couple of years without this man, he makes me feel special.

Caleb wraps his arm around my shoulder, warming me up from the chilliness of the air.

"Thanks," I mumble into his chest. Oh god, I love being in his arms. Right now I don't want anyone coming in between us. I don't know what to do, he makes me feel so special when I am with him, but when I am with Blake I feel like someone totally different . I just don't know what I want right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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