Chapter 2

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"Get up." I hear a faint voice in the backround. I moan and turn around so I don't face who ever is bothering my beauty sleep. "Aubree, get up. It's time for school." I hear the voice say again. After a couple of seconds, I feel the person get off of me. Thank god. I'm so tired right now, all I need is some peace and quiet. I feel cold hands wrap around my ankles and starts to pull on them. Oh shit. It's Andrew. He used to always do this in the morning before school. He would come and wake me up. If I didn't get my ass up, he would grab my ankles and pull me off the bed.

  "No!" I shout, my eyes still close. I hear him chuckle and move over to me. "I won't if you get up." I hear him whisper in my ears. I open my eyes as I quickly as I can. I see Andrew's face smiling down at me. He's already dressed and ready to go somewhere. He's always been this way, as long as I can remember. I smile and rise up, yawning as I do this. "Please don't do that again." I smile and get up. I push him on the bed as I try to go to my bathroom. "I won't promise anything."

"Where the hell have you been?" I hear Ali say as I put my books in my locker. I sigh, "you knew my brother was coming home. So you shouldn't have been surprised yesterday." She waves her hands in the air. "Well I forgot. You could of called me, yah know?" Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ali has always been this way. Sometimes I just want to slap her on the face, but she's my friend. I grab my history book as I feel someone's arms wrap around my waist. "Hey baby, miss me?" It's Bryan. I turn around and smile. "Of course." He frowns and puts his hand on the locker, holding himself up. "Doesn't seem like it." He whips his hair to the side. "I did. Believe me, please I don't need this right now." I sigh again and move my books to the side.

  "I do baby." He smirks and kisses my forehead. "I gotta go though, see you later." And with that he leaves, leaving me there in the middle of the hallway.

"Mrs. Jackson, why are you late?" Mr. Jacobs says as I close the door and walk over to my desk. I lay my books on my desk, "I was in the office, but they didn't give me a pass." I roll my eyes and look over to the window. Today has been such a bad day for me. First Bryan is acting weird and then Ali is being bitchy.

  "Hey, look I just want to apologize for being bitchy. I don't want to lose you, your my best friend." Ali says as she grabs and apple and puts it on her tray. "It's okay." I look over at Bryan, who is apparantly wrapping his arm around Lacey's shoulder. I then turn back to Ali. "Do you know anything that has been going with Bryan?"

"Okay. I don't want to ruin your day anymore so I think you should ask him. Hopefully he'll tell you." She explains as she sets her tray down. I try to focus on her but I can't stop looking at Bryan. I take my salad and shake it. "I guess i'll ask him." I sigh and open my salad, I take a bite as I look at Ali. Worry fills her eyes and she just stares at me. "How bout I walk over to him." I say as I get up, Ali tries to stop me but I just shrug her off.

   I walk over to Bryan slowly. Once I get there he looks up at me, "Hey baby." He smiles. Lacey looks up at me, her bitch face burning through my flesh. I smile my weak smile, "can we talk." Before he could answer, I grab his hand and pull him up off of his chair.

"What the hell Aubree?" He half whispers and half yells. I look at him for a split second . "What has been going on with you lately." I whisper as I look down, playing with my fingers. I hear him sigh, "well, I want to tell you, but I just don't know if I have the guts to." I look up into his eyes. I think I know what he's going to say. "You cheated on me, didn't you?" The words barely coming out. He nods his head slowly. Tears welling up in my eyes. I try my hardest not to cry infront of Bryan. "I'm sorry Aubree. It just doesn't feel the same anymore. I like someone else." I nod and look down.

Worst day of my life.

  I can't believe Bryan would do this to me. I shut the front door closed and walk into the kitchen. There I see mom baking cookies, Andrew and Caleb trying to eat the cookie dough but not succeeding. "Oh hello sweetheart. How was school?" My mother smiles. I sigh and plop down onto the bar stool. "Bryan broke up with me. He also cheated on me with the school's whore. But it's whatever." I look over at her with tears forming once again. Life has never been this hard for me, but that's life for you. "Awe honey. I'm so sorry to hear that. Bryan doesn't know what he is missing." She walks over to me and gently wraps her arms around me, pulling me into an embrace. I hug her tight, feel eyes staring at me as I hold my mom close to me. I love feeling her warm embrace. She always feels protective also.

   I let go of her and she continues to make her delicious cookies. Andrew walks over to me and sits down. "He's not worth it." He just simply says. I nod and take an oange from the fruit tray. He watches me bite into it as I watch him look at me. I know how he's feeling for me. I know my brother so well. I know he's feeling sorry for me and is probably going to get up every second, march to Bryan's house, barge in and knock the shit out of him. But I know he wouldn't because of me. I smile and get up. "I'm  just going to go upstairs." With that I walk quickly upstairs to my bedroom.

I set my bag on the floor and lay on the bed. Why? I mean I kind of saw us breaking up, but I didn't think Bryan would cheat on me. I guess I was wrong. I look up at the ceiling as the memories flow back into my mind.


"Bryan." I laugh as I feel his warm breath against my ear. I look aroiund me as I see people grinding up against each other. He takes hold of my hand and interwines his fingers between mine. "Baby, I love you." He looks into my eyes, his blue ones sparkling in the moonlight. I smile, "you know I do Bry." I've never felt like that ever before. Every time I went out with a guy, they would always break my heart the next day. I thought he was my one and only. But things don't always go what I want.


That night we never had sex, but I did want to. I've never lost my virginity, i'm saving it for someone special. Let's if that will ever happen. I turn to my side and watch my aim pop up. I get up to get it out. It's Ali. She sends me a message saying I should go to Jack's party tonight. Yea like I should. I feel like shit right now, so I don't want to see anyone's face right now. I think back to Bryan and of what he did to me. On second thought, what the hell. I know he'll be there so I should just make him jealous. I send her a message saying I wil go.

"Hurry up. We are going to be late." I hear Ali shout from the other end of my room. I put on the last earing when there's a knock at my door. "Come in." I turn around to see Caleb in my doorway. "Where you two going?" He asks as he sits on the edge of my bed. I smile and look over at Ali who seems quite amused. "Just some college party. " I laugh a bit . I put on my finishing touch, perfume as Caleb answers back. "Maybe I should come."


Hey guys! :) I hope this one wasn't as slow as the first chapter. Please vote, comment, favorite my story :) it means alot.! A new chapter will be up soon. If you really like my story please vote, comment, favorite so I could make more chapters.  Thannks :)

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