Johnny's Plan comes together

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Henry was part of the paparazzi and was hired to spy on the it girl after she canceled on the show,and what he found out was complete gold.He had followed her from her house to the movie theatre dragging some football headed kid with her.He thought it was just a friend,but when they left the theatre they started talking and laughing and before you knew it they were holding hands and kissing.Henry zoomed in and took as many pictures as possible,he was definitely getting a raise for this.He hid in the alley way and almost on cue the phone in his pocket started buzzing,he picked it up and ran over to part of the alley way where no one could hear him."Hey boss.What is it?"he asked when he answered the phone,"Did you find out what happened to the it girl?"his boss asked,"Yeah I think you'll be very pleased"Henry informed smiling widely and proudly at himself,"Excellent,that is all.Come back done here as soon as possible and be ready to share".He than hung up the phone and waited till Helga and the football headed boy left.

When Henry got to the building he didn't even stop at the check in he just signaled he was here to her and she took care of it.He immediately got in the elevator and rode to the top floor where Johnny was.Once he got there Johnny stood and walked over,"Harry!Do tell"he said striding over to Henry,"It's Henry,and I will,do you have a computer?I have plug this up."He asked pointing to his camera,"Of course!Right this way!".Johnny led the photographer to an empty office with just a computer and sat Henry down.He didn't want to know what the office was so he didn't ask questions,he pulled up his photos and clicked one by one really fast,it almost looked like a movie.He watched Johnny's eyes and smile get bigger and bigger.When they stopped looking at all the photo's,Johnny got up and clapped his hands together,"This is absolutely perfect!"He said."Do you know that kid,the one with the strange head?"Henry asked curiously,"What?Your job is done,no questions,and don't tell anyone about this yet.And I'll see to it that you get the money."Johnny said not giving a second thought to that,the wheels in his head would not stop spinning.With that he left the office and Johnny, taking his camera and the leaving it's memory with Johnny to do what he wants with it.

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