Bowling Group

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The show was a success,Helga put on bad girl and pepper sprayed a model than pushed off the stage,kicked a camera and broke he lenses,and yelled a bunch of insults.She even caught Arnold's stare and gave him a wink which made his blush.Luckily all the people there were fashion idiots and didn't notice her wink.After the show Helga went behind backstage to change,but she decided to were something different for the bowling.So she put on a pink long sleeve and red jeans,she put her hair in pony tail and kept her precious bow.

She finally found Arnold at the vending machine talking to a model,but when he saw her he stopped and walked up to her." look"Arnold stuttered,"Is it to much,because I could go change"she pointed behind her and started to turn around but Arnold grabbed her,"No,you look good"He said finally,Helga smiled at him,"Thanks football head,but don't get to distracted during the game,or I'll beat you"she said almost flirting.Arnold smiled at her,"Oh really?So your saying I can beat you"He boasted.She laughed at him teasingly,"In your dreams!","Fine,who ever loses pays for the pizza and drinks"He suggested.Helga took the challenge,"Deal,prepare to get your butt whooped!" she shook his hand.

Gerald was going to ask about her outfit but was once again distracted by Phoebe.

"Hey Helga great show!You look great!"

"Thanks Pheebs,maybe I'll take up acting once modeling is over.It girl,actor,writer,then who knows"

Helga was so in her conversation that she didn't realize the boys were right there

"Wait...WHAT!You're telling us that you act mean!?AND you write!?Since when?!"Gerald freaked out on Helga who now realized she had said to much,Arnold elbowed his friend again in the ribs hoping to shut him u[.

"Gerald!"he said in a harsh vioce

"What?"Gerald asked,not realizing how personal his questions were.

"It's okay,football head.No need to get frustrated over...that.Gerald,please don't ask again"Helga said to both of the boys,but Gerald wasn't taking it.

"Why should I?"he asked

Helga and Arnold were so frustrated at him,but Phoebe had an idea.

"Gerald?"she asked sweetly

"Yea?"he said a little annoyed

"Shut up"she leaned forward and kissed him,it was just a quick one but it sure did make him shut up.

They all laughed except for Gerald who looked like he was about to float in the air.He stopped with the puppy face,and he put on his coolest face and put his arm around Phoebe who giggled.

They didn't ask anymore questions,Gerald and Phoebe were too busy looking at each other,Arnold was too busy making sure they didn't walk right in front of cars,and Helga was too lost in her own thoughts to pay attention to anything."Watch out"She heard Arnold say she was right in front of a street that wasn't able to walk across yet."Sorry,kinda lost in thought"she apologized,"What are you thinking about?" Arnold asked interested,she hesitated and wondered if she should tell him or just change the subject,"What is the real reason you invited me and Phoebe to go bowling with you guys?"Helga asked suddenly.Arnold was taken a back,"Why do you hide yourself?"Arnold asked not wanting to answer,"Arnold!"Helga said frustrated, she wanted him to answer,"I want to know you,Helga"he answered grabbing her hand.She felt herself blush a bit,they continued walking with nothing else to say.Helga held Arnold's hand the rest of the way,though,she pretended not to notice hoping he wouldn't.

They finally got to the bowling alley,Gerald showed Phoebe some stuff by rapping his arms around hers and rolling the ball.Phoebe had lied about not being good,but it was worth it and Gerald eventually figured it out.He didn't mind either,"You sure did pick it up quick,Phoebe"he told her,"Oh!Did I?"she asked suddenly panicking.She throw the ball right in the gutter to make it seem like she didn't"oops"she said. Gerald laughed,"It's okay Phoebe"he said and put his arms around her again and she just blushed in his arms.

Helga watched her friend enjoy herself,she was so happy for her.Helga couldn't count all the times she heard just the name Gerald."Your turn,Helga"she heard Arnold tell her,she looked up at the score board.Arnold had gotten another strike and she got a little mad.Helga was still winning but barely.She grabbed her ball and went into full concentration, she positioned the ball and right when she was about to through the ball,"Hey Helga!"screamed someone behind her,she couldn't stop the ball from slipping from her grasp.It immediately went to the gutter,Helga was so mad she looked to find Arnold laughing his butt off."That's not fair"she screamed at him,"It's on the board"he pointed to the point system.She looked up and growled,"It still doesn't count if I get this it will count as a strike"Helga said trying not to kill Arnold.She grabbed it,did her routine,scowled at Arnold to make sure he didn't do it again,and she through the ball and got the strike.

At the end of the game Helga had won even with out the extra points she really had if Arnold had played fairly."Alright football head pay up,and get me a large milkshake,too"Helga boasted,"Ok,ok.A deal is a deal"Arnold said.Helga looked a bit disappointed,"Criminy Arnold.You being a good sport really takes the fun out of winning"she said to him arms crossed with a pouty face.Arnold rolled his eyes and paid for the milkshake and everything else.

"I admit that was fun"Helga said once they walked out."I'm glad"Arnold told her,"Thank you for inviting us"Phoebe said,"Not a problem"Gerald said to her." guys want to split up here?"Helga asked the group,but none of them wanted to go."It is pretty late ,Phoebe why don't I walk you home"Gerald suggested to Phoebe,"That is very kind of you Gerald to offer,and a good idea,for safety"Phoebe said mimicking his cover,so they quickly left with Gerald's arm around Phoebe once more.Leaving Arnold and Helga,alone.

"So......I guess I should get going"Helga finally said,pointing behind her back."Wait!Helga,why don't I walk you home?"he asked with a half smile,"Arnold,you don't have to do that.I know you want to know me,but it's not that easy.I can walk myself home."she replied to him now looking a little sad but keeping her eyes big and beautiful.Arnold tried not to blush at how venerable she looked,he grabbed her hand,"Helga I want to take you home,to make sure you're safe.And if it's hard to get to know you,shouldn't that make me want to try harder?"He said to her.Helga looked right into Arnold's big green eyes,"I didn't say it was hard for you"she said in a quiet voice.She slipped out of Arnold's grasp leaving him speechless. As she walked away he stood there and after a few moments he smiled at her,"Oh Helga"he whispered to himself.


I tried to make that one a bit longer and I think I can say that I did successfully.The next chapter is super short but I hope you like it.It is a little different than my others and you will soon see why.

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