Do you hate her?

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Helga had just pushed one of the models off the stage and took the crowd by surprise,but as she suspected they absolutely loved it.She was just being herself and every one loved it, It's about time they discovered how awesome I am, she thought to herself.The more she loved this the badder she got,she just pretended the model was Arnold and pushed her off the stage.And the best part is she didn't care about her so she had no regrets she could be bad and people would love her,maybe even Arnold.The thought did cross her mind she had to admit,maybe Arnold might finally notice her it was kind of low but maybe just maybe....

The next day she walked out her limo and a girl in a pink dress and bow and black hair walked up to her and asked for an autograph but Helga just pushed her away,"Out my way moron!".She did the same with everyone else and of course they loved it, what a bunch of idiots! she laughed to herself.She walked in to school with a larger crowd surrounding her,"Beat it"she scowled and lifted her fist,they took some pictures and ran off.Helga walked to her locker when the phone started ring right on schedule.She pick it up,"What is it Johnny?! I'm very busy trying to get all these idiots out of my way!"she was having so much fun being bad."Ohhhh,your bad!Anyway it girl,I just got a new line and we're doing and your wearing it!"he said in his super annoying voice,"Alright!I'll do it just please shut up!","Great 7:00 don't be late!" he hung up and Helga headed to class.

She went up stairs to find Phoebe who she ordered not to dress like her so she could spot her in a crowd.She walked down the hall,which was surprisingly empty.She was about to pass Arnold's locker it was just around the corner when suddenly she heard a voice,"Can you believe that HELGA was chosen as it girl?I mean please,every one hates her",It was Rhonda Wellington Lloyd,"I admit a few of Helga's traits seem bad but on the contrary many people admire her and she isn't that bad"she heard Phoebe's sweet little voice defending her."Boy howdy!Are you kidding Phoebe,I know your her friend but come on!"It was Sid.Helga found out most the class was there do to all the noises and voices.

"I hate how she always calls me Pink boy!"Herald

"She is always trying to ruin my expensive clothes!"Rhonda

"She's always calling me tall hair-boy and picking on my main man"Gerald was referring to Arnold

Soon most people had gone on about how they hated her,but than a voice she was surprised to here came next.

"I don't know guys... Helga's pretty bad but I think hate is a strong word and Phoebe's right she might not be so bad"it was a voice Helga knew to well,Arnold,he was sticking up for her but not very well almost like he did hate her and didn't want to say it.

"Oh come on Arnold!You of all people have a reason to hate Helga,no one will judge you"

"Well....I..."he stuttered

no....NO!NO!NO!He can't hate me,he can't! Helga thought feeling sick to her stomach.

"Arnold it is ever so not fair for you,you don't have to give into peer pressure.Everyone is ever so entitled to their opinion,and I think it is ever so gallant that you stick to it"that was worse,the girl that crawls under her skin by just existing,Lila,who just happened to be Arnold's goal of infection,had just stopped him and put him more under her spell .

"Th-thanks Lila"Arnold blushed,but a look of shame passed by,too.Helga knew what it was for and her heart skipped a beat.

Helga wanted to die,Arnold hated her.She wanted to crawl up in a ball and just cry,she grabbed her chest and started breathing a little quicker and unsteady.When the group split up and people couldn't see her she grabbed Phoebe and pulled her away."Helga?What's wrong?"Phoebe said worrying

"What was *gasp*that?!"she said trying to breathe smoothly but failing."Helga you look like you just ran 5 miles,sit down"Phoebe got Helga to sit down,it was pretty easy because her legs were already giving away."What was that?"she asked again,"What?Oh Helga,did you hear that?I am so sorry"she hugged her friend,"I don't care what those bafoons think..."she looked around,"but....does Arnold really hate me?"it hurt to ask but she had too."I...I don't know"is all Phoebe could say.Helga fought back tears because she would have to go to class soon,but how could she face Arnold?

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