The Answer

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She and Phoebe went to class finally,Helga didn't look at Arnold and Arnold also looked away when he saw Helga.Helga could feel eyes on her but she just walked to her seat and listened to Mr.Simmons. At the end of the class Arnold realized no spit balls were thrown at him and no one yelled or called him football head.He looked behind him but Helga wasn't there he looked at the door,he just saw her pink bow go out the door.That was really quick.He wondered what was up with her but he decided he would try to ignore it,not being picked on is a rare perk for Arnold he wasn't going to sabotage it for when her day was ruined and not his.

Phoebe didn't leave Helga's side for the rest of the day,at lunch Helga begged her not to go to the cafeteria so she called Johnny and they went to a diner really close to school.They were late but Helga took care of that, she had a life long get out of detention free pass from Johnny. Unfortunately they all picked random partners for a science project,and the universe decided to punish her by giving her Arnold. She managed not to talk to him during the project she just started on her part so Arnold did the same,when she finished her part early she gave it to Arnold and left.Phoebe was already waiting for her so they walked out together,but once they shut the door Helga fell on the floor,she held herself and she started to breathe hard again.

"That..that...stupid football head!"she whispered,Phoebe stroked her back not knowing what to say."Pheebe's?"she asked,"Yes","Thanks"she gave a week smile,Phoebe smiled down at her friend,"Come on.we have a photo shoot to get you to".

They got her there but she was 20 minutes late,but Johnny was ecstatic she was just so bad.Helga could always act bad,it fought away her real feelings so she did it no problem and it almost made her feel better.She didn't notice that Phoebe had snuck out 10 minutes in,she had no idea Phoebe had gone to talk to Arnold.

When Phoebe finally got to the boarding house she barely caught Arnold,"Arnold!wait"she said out of breathe,"Wow, Phoebe. What are you doing here?"Arnold asked when he saw her.She kept breathing hard for a few minutes but when she could speak she did,"I think it's ever so gallant you stick to your opinion"she said fluttering her eyelashes.Arnold knew what she was doing and was a little taken a back,he had never seen Phoebe be sarcastic she was always going strait to the point and serious.He blushed again,as he had before,when Phoebe imitated Lila,"I-I-"he stuttered but Phoebe cut him off,"I can't believe you Arnold!"she said as sternly as she could,it made Arnold a little upset,"Excuse me?I stood up for her! I don't deserve this,she didn't deserve me sicking up for her either"he said defensively,"So you do hate her"Phoebe said bluntly but a bit of sadness for her friend couldn't be hidden,"I didn't say that"Arnold said quieter,"Well?Do you?"Phoebe asked him with really big curious eyes.

Arnold was speechless,did he hate her?He honestly didn't know,he had always had mixed feelings about her so he could never tell.He did know how much he wanted to know her and to know the girl behind her wall,he also knew how much rage he had when ever she picked on him."I can't say I hate her till I actual know her"he said honestly to Phoebe he smiled and walked inside without another word to her.She stood there stunned for a second but then she almost squealed with joy.She walked back to the photo shoot and found Helga waiting for her,"Phoebe where have you been?!","You won't believe it"she smiled at her confused friend.

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