Girls and Plans

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Arnold walked inside and immediately called Gerald,"Hey man.What's up?"

"Hey Gerald.You know how earlier today we were talking about Helga?"

"Yea... what about it"

"I've been thinking"

"That's dangerous"

"Gerald I'm serious!I think I should try to get to know Helga"

There was a short pause

"Arnold I think I mis heard you did you just say 'get to know' Helga?"

"Yea I think she isn't being fully honest and want to,well,find out for myself who she really is"

"Arnold,your a bold kid"

"So your in"

"As long as no limbs are lost,I'm with you all the way"

"Great so here's the plan"


"He said what?!"Helga almost screamed,"He doesn't hate you,he can't till he knows you"Phoebe said again.

"That's great,all I have to do is keep this up forever and he can't hurt me"

"I don't think that's such a good idea"

"Why not?"

"I think you should let him in"

"WHAT!!! That's crazy"

"I'm serious Helga,he can't hate you but he can't like you either.You already know he likes you,he already likes Cecile"

"I can't go against logic but I'm not Cecile,if I tell him all he'll see is my mask"

"Will he?"

"*moans*okay what do you propose?"

Phoebe grinned,"Alright,here it is"

The next day Helga walked into class and sat down,she was supposed to be herself with Arnold.She had no idea how but she had to try,she started writing when someone walked up to her desk."What's that"came a sweet caring voice that made her feel so warm inside,"Arnold?!"she looked up,"I-I..."she looked at her love poetry and football head doodle and closed it with a smack,"It's p-poetry" she answered holding back a scowl.Arnold was suprised she told him instead of yelling 'none of your business football head',maybe this wouldn't be as hard as I thought Arnold thought,"Really?What about?"he said leaning over her,she lightly blushed,"Why should I tell you?"she said defensively but flinched a little since that was meaner than intended,"Sorry, just curious, if it's personal than that's okay"he held his hands up and smiled.

Helga was so relieved that he hadn't stormed off because of her comment she couldn't help weakly smile at him."So why did you come over here anyway,football face"Helga asked,"Oh,right.I was wondering if you and Phoebe wanted to go bowling with me and Gerald?"Arnold offered.Helga almost jumped at the suggestion,"Sure,Phoebe is good tonight"she nodded,"6?"he suggested,"I have a show and 5:30 to 6:25,how about 7?","That'll work"he turned around and almost walked back to him desk but than he got and idea."Why don't we go to your show then go bowling after word"he said to her.She blushed,Arnold wanted to see her on a run way?"I don't know,Arnold.I have to be pretty mean on that stage,I don't think you'd like it"she said scratching the back of her head."How about I promise not to get upset if you get me a back stage pass"he said grinning evilly,"Okay,you got yourself a deal"she shook his hand and a shiver went up her back at his touch.

She took out her phone,"Johnny I need three tickets to tonights show and a back stage pass","What?!This is such short notice I don't know it girl I'm not god"."Great get them to me in an hour or ol' betsy is coming for you"she said ignoring his comment,he was delighted,"Fine but I have one condition"

"And what would that be?"she asked cautiously

"Go on a date!"

"Excuse me?!"

"Yea go out with some sap than right in front of the fountain knock him in,it will be so bad everyone will love it"

"Not going to happen,what else you got?"

"Fine."he said disappointed

"Just push the models off the stage again and kick a photographer's camera and I'll get the tickets."

"That I can do.Adios,leather pants"

She hung up the phone and looked at Arnold who was looking at her,"Got 'em"she said to him and gave a thumbs up,he smile turned around and she swooned as quietly as possible.She had been holding in a lot of fake anger in her during the conversation,force of habit I guess.So she waited for Rhonda's group of girl's to come in so she could quietly say and bang stuff when no one could here anything but giggles and gossip.

She got to punch hard cover book,it actual made a mark, I need to work on that,I will talk to Mrs.Bliss about it she thought.Mr. Simmons started class and managed to silent everyone.He started class and Helga lovingly stared at Arnold's football shaped head,he felt her star and turned around to smile at her.Luckily she had covered up her stare but her smiled remained and he saw it and smiled back."Alright class time for since get together with your partner and get back on it"Simmons announced,Helga's heart fluttered,more time with Arnold."So,I looked over what you did yesterday and most of the facts seem pretty strait forward but I don't think you explained this part very well can you tell me what you meant and then talk about what we have to do today"he said, Oh my love you are so intelligent and such a great leader I would do anything for you! she thought,but when she realized she that nothing was coming out of her mouth she answered his question and he jotted it down.

Hearing his soothing voice for the rest of the day was like drugs for Helga,she almost floated out of the class room and she did her best not to say anything stupid during their work,but it was hard since she was barely in control of her own body.She managed not to do anything bad and she did fairly good at keeping up with what they were doing.She told Phoebe about the bowling and she agreed she was so happy she would have a supporting friend there,and it didn't hurt to have some to occupy Geraldo so she could have Arnold all to herself.

"She said yes"he said to Gerald once he walked up,"Who said yes?"he asked dumbly,"Helga!"

"To what?"

"To go bowling with us!"

"Oh right I forget! I must have automatically thought she said no and forgot about it"He chuckled and took a sip of his drink

"Also we are going to her show tonight"

Gerald spat out all the water over himself,and grabbed a napkin to start dabbing his shirt,

"Are you sure that's a good idea?We see her act mean everyday,do you really want to see it on stage?"

"Why not?It's not that long,besides it wouldn't be that bad"

"Where did that come from?"

Arnold shrugged his shoulders.For a minute Gerald was puzzled but slowly a sly grin stretched across his face,

"Arnold?I'm starting to think you like Helga"Gerald replied bluntly

"What?!Don't be ridiculous!"he exclaimed but couldn't hide a little pink

"What ever you say Arnold"Gerald rolled his eyes.

They walked in silence,but Arnold was frantically trying to find a new subject to talk about so that question didn't hang in the air. Luckily for him,it just walked out of the library and in front of them."Hello guys"Phoebe walked sweetly in front of them,"H-hey Phoebe"Gerald replied."Can't wait to go bowling with you guys."she smiled but then looked a little sad,"Unfortunately,I am not as good as Helga and Arnold,do you think you could help me tonight Gerald?"Phoebe asked still hugging her books very tightly."S-sure,Phoebe"Gerald stuttered,she gave a little giggle,"Bye Boys,see you later"she walked past them and they started walking again."Okay what was that all about?"Arnold asked slyly.Gerald didn't answer,he had the lamest dazed off smile on his face,"Gerald?"again nothing,"Gerald!"Arnold said louder and elbowed his friend,"Ouch!What?!"Gerald yelled,"I'm starting to think you like Phoebe"He said slyly once more."What?No,that's crazy"he said in a high pitched voice,"What ever you say Gerald"Arnold chuckled,"Uh-huh,very funny,dude"Gerald rolled his eyes sarcastically.

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