Let Sleeping Love Lie - Part One

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Have you ever met someone, that as soon as your eyes fell upon them; they literally took your captivated breath away?

That not one single word has been exchanged between you, but that person has forever left an imprint on your heart?

Twelve years ago that was exactly how I felt when I first saw Will Flynn.

Me and my large group of girlie friends walked into our fave local pub in town, confident and as boisterous as you like. No sooner as I got through the door, my rowdy self was left standing with an O shaped mouth and eyes that were wide with deep longing... Just like that, I was utterly smitten! Will Flynn, unknowingly now held my heart hostage.

"Who has got your attention, Tess?" One of the girls asked.

I swallowed hard, my words lost somewhere within the depths of my captivated throat. "Who is the new barman?" I quietly asked, with my eyes remaining totally fixed on him: dilated and wide with dreamy wonder.

My friend shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea?"

"He has to be the most beautiful man that I have ever seen." I whimsically whispered.

My friend laughed, pushing into me. "Go and buy yourself a drink, introduce yourself."

I blinked hard, bringing myself down off the cloud I was so sweetly daydreaming on. "Oh I... I couldn't." I stammered, scared by just the thought of it.

"Yes you bloody can. It's not like you to be shy. Besides, gawping at him all night is hardly the greatest of first impressions." She dragged me towards the busy bar. My petite frame got lost in amongst all of the warm bodies who were either waiting to be served or just casually socialising.

It was true, ordinarily I was confident. Yet somehow, this desirous man had rendered me completely paralysed. I became someone who seemed incapable of stringing a simple sentence together. My pounding heart feverishly thudded against my breast, leaving me giddy with nervous anticipation.

I finally managed to squeeze my way through the sea of faces, a definite advantage of being small.
As soon as I reached the bar. I nervously waited to be served. It didn't have to be him that served me, I was just enjoying his glorious profile.

Short dark brown hair, messily tousled on the top with a slight quiff at the front. A defined bone structure that just begged to be caressed with my appreciative fingers. His pale green eyes were an exquisite and unusual shade of caesious, spheres of masculine beauty. Those gorgeously open and captivating windows to his soul, pulled me right into wishful thoughts of being with only him.

My fingers anxiously tapped on the bar. I was just trying to keep my hands busy, trying to look demurely calm. On the inside, I was anything but, bloody calm. Part of me, the confident and vain Tess, was so very desperate for him to look my way. Then the other side of me, the lesser known, insecure and shy Tess, was too afraid to even look at him.

I did try, my very best and casual 'I'm just standing here, innocently looking your way' kind of a stare. It was at that exact moment that our eyes actually collided for the very first and unforgettable time. I coyly smiled, whilst my stomach did crazy somersaults. To my sweet relief he smiled, too. Quickly followed by a delicious double take at me. My heart was now pounding so hard, I was afraid that my breathing would become that erratic, I was actually going to pass out.

Feisty Tess, is yelling at me to get a grip. While the reserved Tess, is whispering calm the fuck down! My own inner argument preoccupied me, as he busily served someone at the far end of the bar. Giving me just enough time to sort myself out.

He then smiled in my direction, as he confidently strode towards me. I honestly felt as though my throat had constricted so tight, I was going to be embarrassingly unable to speak. The simple task of asking for a Vodka and Coke, now seemed too hard a task to complete. Shit! Shit! Shit! I had cursed to myself. Mortified by the thought of tripping up over my words and making a complete stammering fool of myself.

Let Sleeping Love LieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant