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Kirstie's P.O.V.

I sat in the waiting room, my body shaking from the adrenaline running through it. They had taken Avi away to scan him for any internal bleeding or any broken bones. He hadn't woken up during the ambulance ride and the constant beeping of the heart monitor although reassuring was also like a time bomb. I was just waiting for things to go wrong. Everything always did.

The door to the waiting room burst open revealing Scott, Mitch and Kevin. They all looked worried but I could tell there was something else - yet i didn't know what it was. They all rushed over to me bringing me into a three way hug. I heard a small sob from Kevin in my ear. I squeezed him trying my best to reassure him that everything was going to be okay. If Kevin lost Avi it would destroy him, they were brothers and closer than anyone else in the band.

"What did the doctors say?" Kevin asked trying to hold himself together. It was odd to see Kevin upset he was always the optimistic one.

"They're going to scan him to check incase there's any internal bleeding or broken bones. They said he had lost a lot of blood but would let us know as soon as they can tell us anymore" I told them, wringing my hands together and biting down on my bottom lip.

We all sat down quietly. Nothing else was said, everyone was trying to take in the situation. Before long Scott spoke up.

"Kirst, if you don't mind me asking, why all of a sudden are you extremely worried about Avi? You guys have been at each others throats for months now."

Time to tell more lies I guess.

"Well, I knew something was wrong when he didn't show up. You all know what I'm like when I overthink things. And so in the back of my mind I knew that if something happened to him I would feel awful. If anything happens to him the last thing that would have been said between us would have been an insult. We may have fallen out, things aren't like they used to be obviously but I still care about him. He was one of my bestfriends for a good amount of time - I can't forget that and I know he won't have either" I finished tears pooling in my eyes.

"Kirst you need to tell him" Mitch spoke up

"Tell him what?"

"That you don't hate him!" He spoke softly not wanting to fuel an argument.

"Maybe" I trailed off, averting all eye contact in the room and bringing my knees up to my chest.

I couldn't lose Avi.

Hours passed, during which Esther and Darian arrived - Avi's parents were on their way. There was still no word on his current condition, I had bit my nails to the skin, Kevin had saw how stressed I was and had sat beside me wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a side hug. We stayed like that to comfort each other - knowing how much we both wanted Avi to be okay. Finally the doctor walked into the waiting room. We all stood up.

"Family and friends of Avi Kaplan?" he asked looking up from his clipboard at us all. We all either nodded or mumbled something along the lines of "yes" or "that' us".

"Avi is doing well, we checked for any bleeding but there was any present in the scan photos. He has however fractured two of his left ribs - there isn't much we can do about that, but he has to be kept on bed rest to try and allow the ribs to heal on their own. As for his leg, he was very lucky. The shard of glass was mere millimeters away from puncturing an artery. If it had punctured he would have bled out at the scene so he was incredibly lucky. He's resting now, he still is lightheaded as he lost a lot of blood but he's talking and asking for someone called Kirstie?" at that point everyones heads turned to me standing in the centre of the group. I looked to Esther for approval before walking through the double doors.

He looked pale, hooked up to multiple machines, fluids running into his body quickly. Yet he still gave me a smile when I walked in. Without a word I ran over to him and grabbed him into a hug, tears meandered down my face and onto his hospital gown as I rested my head on his chest.

"Thank god you're okay" I mumbled

"The dragon lords were protecting me" he chuckled.

I smiled, it was nice knowing that he hadn't been disheartened by the incident and that he was still his dragon-loving self.

"I'm so sorry Kirst, I hate to think what you've been through"

"Don't apologise, I'm just glad you're safe! Although I have a feeling the guys are starting to get suspicious again, I kind of went into overdrive with my emotions" I giggled slightly

"It'll pass, it always does - although have you thought anymore about telling them about us?" he asked solemnly.

"Not yet, I enjoy it being just us two in our little bubble, even if it does mean a bit of sneaking about" I smiled brushing a couple of strands of hair back from his face.

"Okay, anything for you princess" he smiled placing a delicate kiss on my cheek.

I heard a knock at the door as Esther peeked her head in, obviously desperate to see that her brother was okay.

"I'll leave you to it" I smiled, squeezing his hand and walking back into the waiting room where I was met by 4 pairs of curious eyes.

"Well?" Mitch asked.

"We'll be fine" I smiled sitting back down next to Kevin.

Avi was discharged within the next 3 days, his face was full of colour and glee as he got into Kevin's car. The car journey hadn't seemed to bother him surprisingly, although he was very adamant in Kevin stopping at every junction and checking thoroughly before moving off onto the road again. Kevin had invited me along to pick Avi up, he figured that I would want to make up for any "lost time" because of our arguing.

When we got Avi settled at their apartment I made some mac and cheese for them both. Kevin had had sleepless nights thinking about Avi and what might happen if things were to take a turn for the worse. Now that he was home I had a feeling they were both going to sleep better.

The boys wolfed their dinner down and as I was cleaning up the dishes Kevin walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Kirst, listen thanks for doing that" he said, genuinely grateful.

"No problem, you both needed it - I know the past couple of days have been hard on you" I smiled, putting the last of the dishes away.

"Thanks Kirstie, I really appreciate it - and I know Avi does as well. I know you two haven't been on the best of terms recently, and I know that he wouldn't want me to tell you this, but he really missed you. You both just seem to understand each other - something which I envy. Avi is my bestfriend but sometimes I have difficulty figuring out what's on his mind - whereas you just seem to know"

"I'm just glad we could iron out the differences in our relationship - for our and the bands sake."

I walked out past Kevin and picked my boots up off the floor, sitting beside Avi on the couch to put them on.

"I'm gonna go, Olaf will be expecting me" I chuckled "I'll see you guys in a couple of days time for another arranging session?" I asked as I unlocked the door.

"Yeah, thanks for dinner Kirst!" Avi grinned at me.

I walked out of their apartment and got into the car, before I could drive off my phone lit up.

Avi: I love you x

I smiled at the simple gesture and drove home, ready for a long night of rest.

just a filler tbh, the next chapter will probs have another time jump :)

love you guyssss

gooooodbyyyeeeeee x

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