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Avi's P.O.V.

The next week or so of tour went extremely well. Everyone kept quiet about me and Kirstie, they didn't want to bring it up incase it triggered any emotions from both of us. Most of the fans knew that me and Shelley had broke up, she had tweeted a couple of times, nothing that was offensive but it definetely implied that she was single.

By the last couple of days Kirstie was starting to settle back into reality. She didn't realise the complications of her breakup. Jake had collected her things from Jeremy and had Olaf living in his apartment - but she didn't have anywhere to live. Esther began to collect apartment listings for her but although some were nice, by the time Kirstie realised she needed a place to live - most of the places were gone.

We were sitting in the back lounge on the second last day of tour. Everyone was determined to find Kirstie a place but so far we had had no such luck. Esther nipped out to get us some food along with Darian, leaving just the 5 of us.

"There has to be something in this one!" Mitch said, sighing as he picked up the last bundle of listings we had.

"I don't know why I've left it so late to try and find a place" Kirstie sighed, I moved over to her, giving her a hug from the side.

"Don't worry we'll find somewhere for you" I said rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

"It's not looking likely - at this rate I'm going to have to move back in with Jeremy" she chuckled half-heartedly.

"That is the last place you will be going Kirst!" Scott said, shaking his head as he flicked through the books again.

"Guys, shhh, I think Mitch is on to something!" Kevin said, waving his hands in the air.

"Uh huh, okay, yep, next week? Oh. Well I'm calling on behalf of my friend so I..." Mitch spoke through the phone, playing with his bangs as he did so.

We all leaned forward in anticipation, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Great thanks! I'll make sure she gets in touch with you over the next couple of days" he said hanging up the phone.

"Well?" Kirstie asked.

"He has an apartment in LA, well within your budget with room for Olaf. It sounds lovely and he sounds like a lovely person, but the only thing is it won't be ready for the next month or so." Mitch said.

"It's better than nothing" I said.

"Yeah but what am I going to do for the next month?" she asked. I couldn't let my feelings get in the way of Kirst's situation here.

"You can stay with us!" I said, everyone widened their eyes in shock - that planlasted long.

"Avi, that might not be such a good idea!" Kirstie said hanging her head to hide the blush that was creeping across her face.

"Why not? You can't stay with Scott and Mitch because Olaf and Wyatt won't get along and they don't have a spare room. Jake lives with Jess, Darian and Esther just moved in together and Todrick is further away" I said trying to convince her.

"Won't it be a little cramped, I know I haven't been to yours since you guys moved but I can't imagine there would be room for Olaf and me" she said chewing on her bottom lip.

"We have a spare bedroom with an en suite, the living room is big enough for the 5 of us put together and Olaf, trust me Kirst it will be fine!" I said, looking to Kevin for some back up.

"Come to think of it Kirst, we are probably your best bet right not until you get into that apartment. Avi's right we have plenty of room, and it would be nice to hear some real singing in the morning instead of just do da dum dum dum ba dum do da." Kevin said chuckling at the last part, making Kirstie giggle as well.

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