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please read the AN at the end :)!x

Avi's P.O.V.

Over the next few months we finished recording our 3rd E.P. and a Christmas album. Myself and Kirstie were still going strong although we still hadn't told the guys. Truth be told, we hadn't had the time to talk about the possibility of telling them. After the European leg of the tour we had a couple of weeks break - which was filled with songwriting and arranging sessions. Then we were on our way to Japan. Everything just passed by in whirlwind - now it was September and we had to promote 2 albums. Life wasn't showing any signs of slowing down. The guys were still cautious about bringing up any disagreements between Kirstie and I - yet i had a feeling that they were plotting away constantly.

Today was another arranging session at Scott and Mitch's house for tour. Although we hadn't announced dates yet we still wanted to make sure we could perform the songs live. I had woken late and was frantically running around the apartment looking for shoes and my notebook that i kept anything I had to remember about parts of the songs or choreography. Kevin had already left - no doubt he tried to wake me. The only person that was able to wake me from my slumber was Kirstie - but I definitely did not want Kevin trying her technique.

Harassed and frustrated I started the engine of my car. It was only a 20 minute drive but I had a feeling traffic was going to be bad and I was already half an hour late. I quickly pulled out of the drive and pushed my foot down on the accelerator - failing to stay within the speed limit. I had hit early morning LA traffic and it added to my aggravation. I approached the last set of traffic lights before Scott and Mitch's house but the car in front was late in moving forward. Already set in my ways of not being another 2 minutes late I followed the car through the red light - I thought the road looked clear.

Unfortunately the mind isn't always right.

Kirstie's P.O.V.

Avi was late. I knew he had slept in because Kevin told me - but that shouldn't make him almost 2 hours late. Mitch was pacing around the living room mumbling under his breath about getting Avi an alarm clock. Kevin was tuning Beyonce and Scott was cuddling with Wyatt. None of them seemed to be stressed about how late Avi was. I knew traffic was bad this morning but not bad enough to delay his journey this much.

"Um guys, is anyone maybe worried about where Avi is?" I stuttered out. Their eyes widened surprised that I was concerned about his whereabouts.

"He's probably just stuck in traffic" Scott mumbled.

"I don't think traffic would make him 2 hours late Scott..." I trailed off.

"Kirstie's right maybe we should go to the apartment and see if he's there" Mitch suggested sitting down next to Scott and switching the TV onto the news.

"I've tried texting him but he hasn't replied since he told me he had left. So he won't be there" Kevin sighed.

I was chewing furiously on my bottom lip. More and more thoughts flooded into my head - if he wasn't at the apartment then where could he be.

"Are you okay Kirst?" Kevin asked - taking in my nervous state.

"Yeah, but we really need to get this arrangement session started" I lied. Kevin's eyes narrowed, for a moment I thought he was going to say something else, but his features softened and he looked back at his cello.

Suddenly a breaking news bulletin flashed onto the screen. A news reporter stood in front of a green screen with a solemn look painted over his face.

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