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Kirstie's P.O.V.

After that night I had went back into my room and sat in shock on my bed. I couldn't believe how messed up my emotions were, one minute me and Avi were just friends, the next we were kissing and now I longed for his touch. Kevin had came back very late that night to a silent house, he didn't know anything was wrong, so he decided to go out on another date a couple of days later - leaving me and Avi alone again.

I had thought that the best idea would be to try and distance myself from him, I didn't want to bring up any feelings that I had managed to bury over the past 2 days. Kevin had informed me that his date was going to be a full day thing - just great. So, I found myself sitting with Olaf on the couch eating cereal and staring blankly into space. I heard some shuffling in the distance but I didn't turn around. I was too ashamed with myself - it was difficult for me to hide my feelings especially in front of Avi. He just had a way of knowing how to get the truth out of me eventually, there was no persistent nagging, no blackmail, he just sat back and let me speak - and he would listen. He was a great listener. I thought that he would go straight back to his room, but he sat down on the couch and turned the TV on to some cooking channel. He never once made eye contact with me, that's how I knew he felt exactly the same as me - for a moment I thought it would be best if we sat down and spoke about it, but that would just end up in tears for both of us.

He stood up taking my bowl off of me and grunting when I muttered a soft thank you. He was making his way back to his bedroom when the phone rang.

"Hello" Avi answered.

I craned my neck around to see his face, he started to walk towards me with the phone.

"She's right here" he said handing me the phone. I looked at him with confusion. I wasn't expecting any calls.

"It's the landlord" he whispered I made an oh face while taking the phone of him.

"Hello" I feared that he was going to tell me that the apartment was going to take longer or that I wasn't able to get the apartment.

"Miss Maldonado! I was just calling to let you know that the apartment will actually be ready for you much sooner than expected! You'll be able to move in tomorrow!" He said down the phone, I was ecstatic I thanked him and hung the phone up - then the realisation hit. This would be my last night at Kevin and Avi's and I couldn't even look Avi in the eye.

He had sat on the edge of the couch the full time, crossing his arms and furrowing his brows as I was on the phone. I looked at him for the first time in days and smiled.

"The apartment's ready! I can move in tomorrow!" I squealed

"That's great! I'm so happy for you Kirst, not that I want you to leave, I mean, I, uh" he started to blush scratching the back of his neck and hanging his head down low.

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed" I said, immediately covering my mouth afterwards, in disbelief with what I had said, but he chuckled at me.

"So are you" he laughed, now I was the one blushing.

"Well, we better go shopping and get you some furniture then!" He said standing up and rubbing his hands together.

"I never even thought about that"

"It's a good thing that I did then, cmon we'll go out and get what you need and then we can drop it off at the apartment. I'll help you put it together when you move in tomorrow" he said smiling at me.

All of a sudden everything was fine again, I don't know how he did it. It was like we had never kissed, like we had never experienced that miniscule second where we both knew that we wanted more, more than a peck on the lips, more than a minute long makeout session - we wanted something that we knew was special, something that told us both we were in love with each other.

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