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Kirstie's P.O.V.

My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach. I turned around to see Avi picking Shelley up, spinning her around and kissing her. Mitch placed his hand on my back to try and comfort me, the tears were burning the back of my eyes, my emotions were everywhere right now. Earlier today I had accepted the fact that I loved Avi - I hadn't accepted the fact that he was currently unavailable.

"2 minutes til show time" Esther's voice rang all around backstage. I turned to Mitch.

"I can't do this" I said, sniffling slightly.

"Kirst, you have to, we can't cancel the show, just be strong, you'll be fine" he said.

Scott and Kevin approached me, they just needed to nod their heads and smile at me and I knew they understood tonight was going to be difficult. We all took our places on stage, waiting for Avi to finish with Shelley - which didn't look like it was going to be anytime soon.

"Hey! Quit making babies over there - we have a show to put on!" Mitch shouted over, giving me a reassuring wink.

Avi immediately walked over standing on stage, he smiled at me, which reassured me that he was still my friend - but it shattered my heart at the same time. Avi didn't know the pain that it caused me to see him and Shelley. It was unbearable.

The show went okay, I caught Avi staring at me a couple of times - I think he could tell something was wrong. Shelley stood offstage, a smirk on her face everytime Avi looked over to her - I really couldn't stand it.

The show was finally over, I immediately isolated myself in my dressing room, I didn't want to speak to anyone about Avi, I didn't even want to see or speak to Avi - I knew he would come looking. After an hour of sitting on the floor of my dressing room myself I heard a knock at the door.I quickly jumped up, trying to make myself look presentable.

"Kirst, it's Kevin" I heard from the other side of the door, which I immediately unlocked to let him in.

He just gave me a look up and down once and outstretched his arms. I leaped into them, tears started to stream faster and faster down my face, Kevin squeezed me tighter, twisting around slowly to try and calm me. We stayed like that for about 10 minutes, out of everyone Kevin was always the calmest when someone was upset, that's why I was glad he was here now.

"Kirstie, I know that you have no intention of doing this - but please don't take anything out on Avi" he whispered.

"I won't he didn't do anything wrong anyway - I'm the one that can't get my feelings in order" I said stepping back and wiping my tears away with back of my sleeve.

"I know you love him" he said confidently. I bit my lip, looking down at my feet.

"How? Is it that obvious?" I asked him shuffling from side to side

"Kinda, it's just in your body language - both of you. You both blush when each other is around, you both avoid too much eye contact in fear of giving anything away, you try not to touch each other too much, you both smile when the other person talks. It doesn't take a genius - it was Scott that tipped me off about it" he said, chuckling a bit and sitting down on the sofa.

"That doesn't make sense though Kevin, if we're both too obvious then that means that - " I started, looking at Kevin before I reached the final part of my sentence -he nodded his head at me, a sympathetic look washed over his face.

"Then that means that Avi loves me too." I whispered.

"I've always known, it just took you that little bit longer to accept it. Kirstie I know that you must feel a little bit better now, but please don't do anything drastic, he is with Shelley, he does love her, you just need to be careful - especially when she's around" he said walking towards the door.

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