Chapter 1

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Danny finally got all his boxes out of the car and into his new room. "Now for the fun part." He sighed, "unpacking it all." He already had his bed, desk, shelves and dresser in there. He make his bed, put books on his desk, put his clothes away and everything else, went on the shelves. He finished and fell onto his bed, face sunk into his pillow.
"Danny!" Someone yelled from downstairs. He didn't know if it was his mom or sister, but he knew it was a women's voice. "Come downstairs! Now!" It was his mother. He groaned into his pillow before heading downstairs. When he gets to the main floor, he saw Jazz cooking dinner, mom waiting for him at the kitchen table and dad probably in he basement working on ghost stuff. He looked around, everything was unpacked. Jazz probably. He thought. Probably got bored.
"What?" He asked drowsily, tired from the move and all the unpacking.
"I got you signed up for school on Monday."
"This Monday? Like, tomorrow, Monday?" His mother nodded. "Can I start next week?" She shook her head. "Mom." He groan, pouting like a five year old.
"Hey! It's okay! I start tomorrow too!" Jazz said happily. He looked at his sister then to his mom.
"No. You're going to school tomorrow. Now, go to bed." He rolled his eyes ans started up the stairs, back to his room. "Jazz is driving you to school too!" She yelled after him.
"Great." He mumbled to himself. "Tomorrow, new school, new people, no friends. And on top of that, my sister has to drive me to school." He shut and locked his door, grabbed PJ's, changed and fell onto the bed. He grabbed his phone off the night stand by his bed, set his alarm for 6:30, and put it back. "Kill me." He mumbled, before falling asleep.

Dan Phantom And Danny Fenton: High School {Complete}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang