Chapter 7

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"Come on guys." I said, backing away from Dash and two of his friends. "Just, leave me alone." My back hit he wall at the same time Dash grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me up to his face. "Dash! Put me down!" I started hitting his hands, seeing if he'd let go, but to no avail. I kicked my legs out, one hitting him square in the stomach. He dropped me and he dropped, groaning. I ran, not wanting to know what was going to happen next. I could go ghost, not in front of them, so I just ran.
"Get him!" Dash yelled and I heard footsteps coming from behind. I knew I couldn't out run them, but I could at least try. One of them threw a football they had - they were on their way to practice - he throw it, and it hit me in the shoulder. From the force of it, it spun me around and I fell. They each grabbed an arm and slammed me against the wall, and hard. I saw Dash round the corner, pissed.
"Dash. Dash! Wait, wait, wait! I'm sorry I didn't know what I--" He cut me off with a hard punch to the gut. I caught and the two guys dropped me. I landed on hands and knees, trying to catch my breath, until a foot connected with stomach and I buckled, curling in on myself. The three just started to kicked and punched, kick and punched, kicked and punched. I was coming in and out of consciousness at this point. They stopped and picked me up, carrying me outside. I caught and tried catching my breath.
"Toss him." Dash said and they throw me, and I rolled on the dirt covered grounded. "Good. Now let's go." The three left laughing, an everything went black.

I woke up to someone shaking me. My eyes focused and I saw, "Dan?"

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