Chapter 12

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<<Dan's POV>>
I started walking up. I opened my eyes and knowest I was laying on the couch instead of sitting up on it. I looked back, toward the window. It was snowing. It was early May, it usually snow until late May or early June. No school today. It was around probably 7:30am. I went to sit up, but couldn't. I looked down and saw Danny asleep. He's was up on my chest, arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him and went back to sleep. Danny tensed, tightened his grip around my waist, then relaxed. I smiled and closed my eye, and went to sleep.

<<Danny's POV>>
I slowly opened my eyes and lifted up my head. I saw I was laying on Dan, my arms around him and his around me. I pulled arm out from under him carefully, reached over him and grabbed my phone off the table by the couch. It was 10:15am. I started to panic, I never got called into school, I'm late. I'm in so much trouble. I looked outside, it was snowing out. Oh, never mind. I put my phone back and lay back down on Dan. I really didn't have a choice, my arm was stuck under his back. I couldn't get my arm out and get off him without waking him. That, and he was warm and I was comfortable. I wasn't tired anymore, so I just laid there. About half and hour to an hour later, I got bored. I slowly and carefully moved my arm from under Dan's back. Okay easyish part done, now, for the hard part. I sat up slowly, and got off Dan. I grabbed my phone and went upstairs to my room and went on my computer. My phone went off. Jazz.
Happy birthday little bro.
Thanks Jazz. I text Jazz back. I walked downstairs and saw Dan was awake. "Hi."
"Hey." He yawned. I went downstairs an into the kitchen. "Hey Danny?" Dan asked, walking to the kitchen.
"Can I go take a shower?"
"Yeah. You don't have to ask, by the way." He smiled and left. I made some lunch for the two of us and set it on the table. Dan got downstairs after a few minutes. "Here ya go. Nothing special. I'm going to shower too." I said, and left.

<<Dan's POV>>
Danny left and I watched him go upstairs. I ate the lunch he made and put the plate in the sink. I was Danny's phone going off. It was from his parents, telling him happy birthday. Well, what a great birthday. A blizzard. Danny came back downstairs. "What do you want to do today?" Danny asked me.
"Call me a 7year old, but we could go outside." I shrugged.
"No, you're not a 7year old. That sounds like fun." Danny grabbed his snow gear and called me over to him. "Come on." I smiled and went outside with him. It was kind of cold out, but I'm use to it, and it was nice outside. I looked around for a little, looking at all the beautiful snow, when I was hit it the head. I looked back and saw Danny with another snowball.
"Oh, it's on." I laughed, as Danny gave a small shreek. I grabbed some snow and throw one back at him. We were throwing snowballs for about ten minutes. I didn't see Danny come up behind me and he punched me into the snow. I landed on my back and he landed on top of me. Danny gave a evil smile and picked up a handful of snow. I looked at him confused. Before I could realize what he was doing, he shoved the snow down my shirt. It was freezing. I jumped and got the snow out. I looked back at Danny, who was laughing hysterically. When he wasn't looking, I pinned him in the snow. I sat on his waist and put his hands behind his head with one hand. He looked at me, still shocked. "Apologize." I said, not in a mean way though.
"Ha! You won't do anything." I grabbed a handful of snow.
"Still think I'm not going to do anything?"
"Yep. You're to, nice." He grinned.
"Okay." I shrugged and went to stuffed the snow down his shirt.
"No, no, no, no! Okay! I'm sorry!" He said and tried to get away.
"To late." I sang and stuffed it down his shirt. He yelled from the cold. I, however, didn't let him go. He finally calmed down after and few seconds.
"Not funny."
"Yes it was." I grinned and let his hands go.

<<Danny's POV>>
Dan let go of my hands. I couldn't help myself, I wrapped my arms around Dan's neck, and I kissed him. We were, technically, friends and me doing this, probably ruined it. I thought that, until he kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my back and picked my up of the ground. Once I was on my feet, I broke the kiss. "I'm sorry Dan. I shouldn't have done that." I said and looked down. Dan lifted my head up and knelt down, so we were eye level.
"I'm not sorry." Dan said and kissed me again, just quick kiss this time, "will you be my boyfriend?" I smiled and nodded.
"Can we go inside though? It's cold." Dan smiled and nodded, and we went back inside.

Sorry I have updated in awhile again. I hope this chapter was good, or at least okay.

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