Don't Fight It

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"Doesn't feel too good does it?" Bakura sneered at the drooling man pinned to the wall, "Just so you know, that was just a small zap. Yami is capable of dealing out a much stronger current than that. He could electrocute you to death."

To prove the point, Yami sent another electrical current towards the principal. One slightly stronger than the previous jolt, but not enough to seriously injure him, "You will remain silent," the crimson eyed siren growled.

The principal had a hard time controlling his thoughts and his motor functions, "A..a....annnn...d....whaat if I...dooo...n't?"

"Yami will fry your sorry ass before you become dinner for two very hungry dragons," Bakura laughed maniacally. "So, Mr. Mirioka, do you understand what we are saying to you? Are you going to silence your pathetic flapping lips?"

The principal nodded, "Ye..yes. I won't tell anyone."

"And?" Yami advanced even further; a ball of electrical energy forming in his hands, "What about this meeting later in the week? Are you going to force Yugi to sing at it?"

The principal shook his head, his hazel eyes locked on the electrical currents dancing in the Egyptian's palm, " does not have to. I won't make him do anything he does not want to do."

"Good," Yami reeled in the electrical energy; allowing it to disperse.

"Remember what we said, you breathe a word about this to anyone, and you will find yourself fried to a crisp before becoming dinner," Bakura sneered, "I will be taking the video. Did you make any copies of it?"

The principal shook his head once again, "No, that was the only one. I swear."

Bakura nodded; releasing the shadows' grasp on the middle aged man. He fell to his knees unable to stand after the electrical assault on his body.

"Nice chatting with you, Mr. Minioka. Always remember what we have said," Bakura winked at the man kneeling on the floor. Yami's crimson narrowed at the principal; one last reminder of his fury and the power within his possession. Bakura grabbed Yami's hand and pulled them both into the concealment of the shadows.


"Welcome back you two," Ryou commented quietly, "where did you go?"

"To have a little visit with the principal," Bakura sneered, "he won't be talking anytime in the near future. Yugi is safe." Bakura observed Ryou kneeling next to the couch. His body blocking the view of what was on the other side, "What's going on, Ryou?"

The light elf moved revealing Yugi laying on the couch bundled up in a mountain of blankets. Sweat covered his face and the rest of his body; matting his tri-colored hair down. His eyes were shut tightly as he groaned; his knuckles white from clutching the blankets surrounding him."

"Ryou! What's wrong with him?" Yami approached Yugi. He leaned up against the arm rest of the couch hovering over Yugi's head. His tanned fingers tracing the sweat laden cherubic features of Yugi's face.

"I'm not sure. I've never seen this. He went from bad to worse after you two left. He said the headache feels like it is about to split his head open. He now has a very high fever and he can't keep anything down, not even the tea I served him. I had to bring a bucket down for him," Ryou pointed at the light blue plastic bucket sitting next to the couch. Yami's heart sank.

"How do we help him if we don't know what is wrong with him?" Yami asked; his crimson eyes observing the shaking form of his doppelganger.

"Have you tried dousing him? Maybe if he was in his siren form it will help. We can put him in the bathtub," Bakura suggested as he leaned up against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"Bakura, there's no way he would fit in our tiny bathtub. Have you seen the size of his tale?" Ryou rolled his eyes. "I just don't know how to help him," Ryou sighed sadly. The crimson eyed siren grunted as he headed for the door again.

"Where are you going?" Ryou glanced up at the Egyptian's retreating back.

"To get someone that may be able to help him, or possibly let us know what is happening to him," Yami responded as he crossed the threshold from the warm apartment into the cold winter's day.


The door burst open a little over thirty minutes later. Yami entered the room followed closely by Ms. Davidson. The drama teacher removed her scarf as she entered the warm room. The amethyst eyed youth shifted as he bent over the couch to the bucket. Ryou lifted the bucket closer to Yugi as he placed a soothing hand on the young siren's back. Yugi's already empty stomach flip flopped as it emptied the bile into the bucket. He groaned; more sweat appearing on his drenched brow.

Ryou disappeared into the kitchen to clean and disinfect the bucket. Yami's crimson gaze locked on the small trembling form; worry clawing at his mind, *Yugi, I've brought Ms. Davidson. She may know what is wrong with you.*

*Okay,* even Yugi's mental link sounded weak and strained.

The drama teacher knelt next to Yugi, her green eyes examining the young siren, "What are his symptoms?"

"Severe headache that we can't get rid of, fever, sweating, nausea, vomiting, and shaking. I know it sounds like the flu, but I guarantee, this is no flu," the silver haired elven healer placed the clean bucket near Yugi before he went to stand off to the side next to Bakura. The shadow elf wrapped an arm around him pulling him close.

The drama teacher hovered her hand over the youth's forehead, "I haven't seen anything like this in a very long time.....well..many many decades ago in fact. The last time I saw something like this was...." Her voice trailed off. She blinked as she leaned in closer to the trembling siren, "Yugi? Is there an oracle in your family?"

Yugi nodded weakly, "Yes," he whispered breathlessly, "my mother was one."

Ms. Davidson gasped, "She has passed her gift onto you young one! You have the gift of foresight! You can't fight this, it will only make it worse. You need to embrace the power. Let it wash over you and show you what it must."

"How?" Yugi whispered.

"Let go of the struggle. Reach deep into the depths of your mind. Stop worrying about how bad you feel and seek the source of the pain. Welcome it with open arms," She advised.

Yugi stared at her like she had lost her mind. She gave an encourage nod to him. Yugi nodded before his eyes slid closed and he exhaled deeply, /Easier said then done. I feel like I'm dying,/ he thought. He relaxed his muscles as he focused on the part of his brain radiating pain throughout his skull. His body went limp as his eyes burst open. The once amethyst eyes fogged over and milky.

Large waves rolled over him; the dark ocean surrounding him. The ocean's rage caused waves larger than many buildings in Domino. Lightning flashed above; followed shortly after by an ear splitting thunder crash. The loud thunder sounded like the sky itself had ripped open.

Sounds of battle roared all around him. Screams and roars almost fully drowned out by the storm hovering overhead. A flash of feathers blocked his vision momentarily before he heard a familiar baritone voice beside him yell, "Get back. Don't you lay even a claw on him!" A burst of lightning escaped the tanned hand next to him. The lightning easily finding its target. An ear piercing screech tore through the air as feathers fell from above raining down around Yugi."

The young siren let out a gasp. His amethyst eyes grew wide, "What in the name of Ra was that?"

"A vision, Yugi. How do you feel now?" Ms. Davidson smiled at him. She noticed the color returning to his cheeks.

"Dizzy, but much better. Is it going to be like that every time I have one of these vision things?" Yugi asked.

"I'm not an oracle, so I'm not one hundred percent sure, but from what I understand, at first, you will get very dizzy until you get use to it. You will get sick any time you fight the power. Eventually, will be just a tingling sensation that you are left with; however, like I said, I am not an oracle, so that is just hearsay," Ms. Davidson shrugged.

"Thank you for your help again," Yugi smiled at the green eyed woman.

"You are welcome young siren. Anything to help the Sirens of Legend!" 

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