The principal leaned back in his chair; tapping his fingers together in front of his face, " thinking...Mr. Muto...about my new best friend."

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked.

"As a siren, you are able to lure people to you as well as make them feel a certain way. Is that correct?" the grin on the principle's face growing so large it was on the verge of splitting his face. 

Yugi nodded, "Yes."

"This school needs funding. I have a meeting with some investors at the end of the week. You could attend the meeting, impress them with your skills, and sway them to feel the need to invest," the principal smirked.

"I'm not sure I can sway emotions...that way," Yugi sighed.

"You better try, Mr. Motu, or that video will find its way to the public. The world will know about you. Will you come to the meeting to sing for them?" the middle aged man stared at him over his silver glasses; his hazel eyes shining with greed.

Yugi nodded silently, "May I be excused now, Sir?"

"Yes. I will call you into the meeting at the end of this week," the principal responded as he watched the amethyest eyed siren stand and take his leave from the office.


Yami removed the helmet off of Yugi's spiked head. The two sirens sat in front of the Kame Game Shop on Yami's motorcycle. Yugi's arms were still wrapped around Yami's torso feeling slightly comforted from being near the Egyptian Siren.

Yami's eyes searched Yugi's face; studying the sad and worried expression, "What's wrong, Aibou?"

"Nothing," Yugi sighed. He did not want to bother or worry Yami.

"Please do not shut me out. If there is something wrong, I want to help you," the silk baritone voice helped soothe Yugi's distressed nerves. Yami gently traced the side of Yugi's face with his fingers, "Please tell me what is bothering you."

Yugi slouched, "We messed up, Yami. more so than anyone else."

"How so dear one?" Yami continued to trace Yugi's face with his sun-kissed fingers.

"Do you remember when I saved Gen the other day and was stuck in the pool until you, Bakura, and Marik came to rescue me?" Yugi's amethyst eyes met the concerned crimson of the Egyptian. Yami nodded. "Well," Yugi sighed, "We..." Yugi paused, "I did not disable the cameras. The principal has the video of me with my tail." Yugi saw the fear flash behind the strong confident crimson of the Egyptian.

"Did he say something to you?" Yami asked the fear being replaced by concern.

"Yes. He's blackmailing me. I have to sing for the school's investors this week," Yugi sighed.

"And if you don't do it?" Yami prompted.

"He shows the tape, which also has Marik breathing steam on me, to the media," Yugi's shoulders slouched. He felt so hopeless.

"What!" The baritone voice boomed. Yami strapped the helmet back onto Yugi's spiked head; his crimson eyes obtained a laser like focus.

"What are you doing?" Yugi asked Yami confused.

"We are going to see Bakura and Ryou," Yami responded as he revved his motorcycle back to life.


"Well shit," Bakura swore pacing the living room after Yugi retold his meeting with the school principal, "I'm sorry, Yugi. I should have thought of that."

"It's not your fault," Yugi whispered.

Ryou watched Bakura pace, "Do you have any ideas, Kura?" he paused before adding, "that does not involve murder?"

"Oh murder is very tempting . How dare he blackmail a student especially one whose safety requires secrecy. That corrupt." Bakura growled.

Yugi leaned forward; holding his head in his hands. He had a pounding headache ever since lunch the day before. No matter what he tried, the headache refused to perish.

Ryou noticed Yugi's pale and clammy appearance, the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The elven healer moved closer to the petite siren. He gently pulled Yugi's hands away from his head. The elven hands hovered over the sweaty brow, a soft glow emanating from them. Confusion etching Ryou's delicate features as he lowered his hands.

"I don't know where this headache is from, but I can't heal it nor can I provide any relief from it. This is unlike any headache I've encountered," Ryou's gentle voice whispered to the group as he placed a comforting hand on the young siren's back.

Yami crossed his arms over his chest, "Ryou?" The silver haird healer met the crimson gaze, "Will you please look after, Yugi? Bakura, will you please come with me?"

"I will look after, Yugi," Ryou nodded; his gaze returning to the trembling youth next to him, "Would you like some hot tea or hot chocolate?"

Yugi nodded, "Hot tea would be nice. Thank you." Ryou went into the kitchen to make him the hot tea. Perhaps some tea and a soothing massage may help relieve some of the pain Yugi was experiencing from the headache.

Yami placed a gentle kiss on Yugi's cheek. He turned on his heel and strode over to the door pulling it open.

"Where are we going?" Bakura asked grabbing his long black trench coat.

"I will explain it to you on the way," Yami headed down to his motorcycle; he walked with purpose, determination, and fury. The shadow elf swung his leg over the black motorcycle and held onto Yami. The Egyptian siren offered the shadow elf his helmet. Bakura turned it down and wrapped his arms around Yami's waist.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" The silver haired youth asked again slightly annoyed at being out in the cold.

"The school," was Yami's response as he lowered the helmet onto his head.

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