Chapter thirty.

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When I arrive Louis is already waiting at the door for me.

‘’Emma’’ He whispers pulling me into a tight hug, wow this is the only quite welcoming I’ve ever had from Louis he usually screams!

Right then I break tears spilling out of my eyes.

‘’I’m sorry’’ I mumble between sobs.

‘’You’ve got nothing to be sorry for’’ he replies rubbing my back softly.

Once I’ve calmed down a bit Louis sits me on the sofa and makes me a coffee.

Sitting opposite me he hands me my mug which I instantly drink, I probably shouldn’t of as its really hot. I can feel my throat burning.

‘’Want to talk about it?’’ Louis asks giving me a small smile.

Nodding a take another sip before speaking.

‘’I know we agreed on no emotions but it isn’t really that simple, it’s not like I fell in love or anything. I just liked him, I liked what we had. I was happy’’ I say another tear falling which I quickly wipe away.

‘’What am I supposed to I live with him?’’ I ask.

‘’Well stay here for a day or two if you want you know until you’ve come to terms with it all, then just move back in and be amazing show him what he lost and don’t get angry either. Be the better person’’ Louis says quietly.

‘’Thanks I’ll stay tonight but I can’t stay too long I don’t want to intrude’’ I say smiling weakly.

‘’You warned me this would happen, I’m so fucking stupid’’ I cry.

‘’ No Emma you’re not! This isn’t what I said would happen I thought you’d fall in love and tell him that. Instead he ended it without warning’’ Louis says.

‘’But I must feel something otherwise I wouldn’t be upset’’ I say still sobbing.

‘’Sssh’’ he says moving to sit next to me.

‘’ Let’s just not talk about it yeah? Let’s watch a movie ‘’ He says wrapping his arm around me.

This isn’t like the closeness I feel with Harry, with Harry I feel electricity and passion also I feel safe.

With Louis I feel close and friendly.


Emma felt something for me? What no we agreed no feelings.

Well brilliant now I feel even worse, she liked me and I ended it like that, yet again I’ve been a complete dickhead.

She’ll get over it though right? She just needs to find someone who can actually be with her and she’ll be fine.

She needs someone to lover her and care for her and never leave her, obviously that couldn’t be me.

She walked out and left, it hurt but I couldn’t have expected her to stay.

She’s probably gone to Louis’ he’s the only option she had really, he’s the only one who knew.

He’ll take care of her and make sure she’s ok.

She probably needs movies and food then she’ll feel better, come home and find someone new.

I on the other hand need a night out, alcohol and a one night stand.

So that’s what I’ll do, I’ll go out and shag some random girl. Go back to my old habits.

I’m already dressed and ready so why not go out now, its 7pm by now. Emma left hours ago but I’ve just kind of been sat here thinking about stuff and watching TV, trying to forget how badly I just treated Emma.

I call a taxi and within two hours I’m in a club and drunk off my face.

Looking around I’m trying to find the perfect girl to hook up with, actually anyone will do.

‘’Hey’’ I whisper into this girls ear.

‘’Hi’’ she says a smile growing across her face.

 I look her up and down, she’s blonde, skinny, tanned, fake boobs. Nothing special but she’ll do.

‘’Wanna’ dance?’’ ask grabbing her hand and dragging her to the dance floor before she has chance to reply.

Within a matter of second’s she’s grinding up against me, I feel nothing but that doesn’t matter.

I lead her off to the back of the club down some dark alley, I push her up against the wall and crash my lips against hers. All of this seems to take thinking and force, with Emma it came naturally I just did it.

Stop thinking about Emma! You and her are done! My head practically screams at me.

The girl is kissing me back she shoves her tongue down my throat, I shiver in disgust. This just isn’t right.

Once its all over I fasten my jeans and walk away.

‘’My names Katie’’ she says running after me tripping slightly in her stupid heels.

‘’Nice’’ I mumble bluntly, should I care?

‘’Here have my number’’ she says shoving a piece of paper into my hand.


After watching a few movies I’m yawning and feeling ready for bed.

‘’Tired?’’ Louis asks smirking slightly.

‘’Yeah’’ I nod.

‘’Ok well you take the bedroom, I’ll have the sofa’’ Louis says motioning his hand towards the bedroom.

‘’Really? Thank you’’ I say standing up and walking into the bedroom.

I get into bed still fully dressed, I’m wearing a t-shirt and leggings so its actually quite comfortable.

I lay there tossing and turning, I miss Harry being close to me, I miss his smell, his hold. I miss him.

‘’Lou’’ I shout out from the bed.


‘’Would you mind sleeping in here?’’ I ask nervously.

Louis soon appears at the door.

‘’You sure?’’

‘’Yeah, I just need a hug right now’’ I say just above a whisper, I’m embarrassed because I must sound really desperate.

Louis hops into bed and pulls me up into a hug. The way he holds me isn’t the same as Harry does, it sort of feels like hugging a brother.

‘’Night’’ I whisper.



Authors note------ thank you all so much for reading, I love you all loads.

So what did you think?

Sorry but I think it’s a bit rubbish, I liked yesterday’s chapter a lot and I’m just not sure if this is any good compared.

Please can I get 20+ votes and 10+ comments on this chapter:)

Also tell me what you thinks going to happen, I want to know your guesses!

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Thanks again, love Molly xxxx

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz