Chapter 15: Royal Lunatics

Start from the beginning

I hear him sigh loudly, he smiles at me,

"I'm so sweetheart, I'm just not used to all these guys around you. Back home you never have had that many around. Anyways, lets just get ready for the ball. I will take you, we will have a great time and tomorrow, I will explain everything, OK?"

I stare at him a second, he was acting strange, and I had a very sick feeling about what was going on in that head. I didn't even want to read into it. Probably because deep down I already knew, and with the prince and Kian my head was pounding.

"OK, fair enough. So go to it! I will get that dude to fix me up again like they did last time. So, watch out I actually looked pretty good."  I giggled.

"Kylie, you always look amazing."

We have been here for almost two hours, it's been great. George somehow even knew a few people here. I miss Kian, but he should be here soon. The best part was that Emmet was not here. It occurred to me that he actually might be at that same meeting with Kian. Which sucks cause that means he will still show up.

I was currently pretending to pay attention to this Earl or something tell me how he is the most desired bachelor in Terinian.  Do we have an ego or what? I felt like saying dude you ain't all that, and I currently have three guys apparently lusting after me please don't try to add to my list. I was saved to reply to the dick-wad from one of those stupid guards, telling me I was needed in the Líníocht Rubha. I really was getting tired of this people forgetting I'm an American. I'm needed in the what the hell?  I suddenly got nervous because, what if it's like dungeon in Gaelic. Shit, I was having a really good time too, minus the earl's ego. I looked for George but I couldn't find him. I was glad Kian gave me that cell phone. As I was walking with the burly looking dude, I texted Kian.

Kylie to Kian:

Help K!  I'm needed in the Linich Rubha? That's not a dungeon is it?

Kian to Kylie:

LOL I believe you are meaning Líníocht Rubha. That is the drawing room. They want you in the drawing room. Who asked?

Kylie to Kian:

Well hell, I'm American if I don't want it is I'm sure of hell not gonna know how to spell it. Nobody a guard is dragging me there. well walking...whatev.

Kian to Kylie:

LOL  hmm. well the prince is here so, I don't know who that would be. Is George with you?

Kylie to Kian:

Shit. now you are scaring me. He was, but when the guard came I couldn't find him?!?

Kian to Kylie:

Calm down, it could just be George. If he was worried and couldn't find you.

Kylie to Kian:

Considering we have been walking forever now, I doubt that. plus he won't get a guard. surely?

Kian to Kylie:

Well, you do have a point there. But stay calm, it's probably nothing. If you have been walking long then you are heading to the King or Queen's drawing room.

Kylie to Kian:

Holy jumping jeepers! That just made me so much more reassured. jackass!

Kian to Kylie:

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