He nuzzled his nose against mine. Smiling, he held  my hand and dragged me along with him. Biting my bottom lip, I touched my burning cheeks. The stuff that this guy does to me..

"Jimin?" I called out to him.

"Hmm?" he hummed in his deep voice.

"I wonder what is Leo doing now.."

Jimin sighed as he stopped yet again in his tracks. "We'll meet him later, ok?"

I don't know why but I feel like Jimin is hiding from Leo. "We could invite him along, couldn't we?"

Jimin blew out his cheeks. Ruffling my hair affectionately, he said "If Leo knew where I'm bringing you, he would nag, so...." He brought his finger up to his lips and hushed as he winked at me.

"Are you sure?" I felt, uncertain.

"Don't worry, Chloe.." Jimin giggled.


The road beneath our shoes slowly inclined upwards. There were tiny stones steps protruding out from the soil allowing us to climb uphill easily.

I felt really close to nature. There were green moss covering the entire floor of the stones. Tiny white flowers blossomed from within the creaks and cracks of the thousand year old stones.

Jimin held my hand tightly, worried that I would slip and fall as the moss makes the road slippery.

After turning several lefts and rights, Jimin stopped climbing and turned back to look at me. Biting his lip he looked at me, "Is it ok for me to cover your eyes?"

My mouth went agape. "What?"

"I'm still gonna do it anyway," Jimin smirked before he turned me around and placed his hands over my eyes.

"Jimin! I don't like not being able to see where we're going!" I half-screamed at his force.

"Shh....just trust me," he said as he stood behind me. I could feel the warmth radiating off of his body as he stuck close behind me, leading the way.

I blushed again, yet so easily at how close we are to each other, practically centimeters away.

Guiding me forward, I felt the air around us lift. It become extremely breezy, the wind whipping my flowery white dress. 

Jimin slowly removed his hands before he blew air into my ears, startling me a little. I opened my eyes and is awestruck by the view laid in front of me.

The way the sun shines and illuminates the whole forest is so pretty. The shadows cascaded by the trees and rocks creates this 3D effect and brings the scenery to life. There were incredible shades of red, orange and yellow.

As I was so mesmerised by the view in front of me, Jimin finds his way around my waist, giving me a backhug. I gasped at his touch and he nuzzled into the crook of my shoulder.

Swaying me from side to side he hummed in my ears as he asked me, " So? How do you like it?"

I leaned back against him and relaxed in his embrace. "It is so beautiful..."

Jimin chuckled before he turned me around to face him. "Not as beautiful as you though.."

My eyes went wide as I blushed really hard. I could feel the heat rising off my cheeks at his compliment that I began fanning myself with my clumsy hands.

"Don't..don't say that!" I covered both of my cheeks with my palms as I squeezed my eyes shut due to embarrassment. "That is a masterpiece!" I said as I pointed at the scenery before us.

ThumbeJimin[A Jimin Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now