Chapter 13 - My Wife

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--My Wife--

"Good Morning, dear." An elderly woman, around 55 or something greeted me the moment I entered the kitchen.

"um..good morning." I replied wondering who she was. I've never seen her around, not like I've ever seen any staff, leave for the bodyguards. Is she one of the household staff? I wouldn't know even if she was, the only person I ever saw in this place is Diego who right now is nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, pardon me! I forgot to introduce myself, I am Ava. Maid o--" 

"Caretaker." A deep baritone interrupted Ava's sentence. I turned around to look at Diego, all suit-up looking well..nice. Yeah..let's settle for nice.

You know nice don't do enough justice.

A voice inside my head mocked me, and I decided to ignore it.

"Caretaker of this place." Ava repeated and Diego gave her one of his most heart-melting smiles. Though it wasn't meant for me, it still made my heart jump with joy and warmth. And how much I hate it, no one can even guess.

"I am Skylar," I smiled, "I love your cooking." I complimented and it was the truth anyway.

"Thank you, dear. And I already know your name." She smiled warmly in my direction..a motherly kind of warmth which I've been missing since forever. It brought a huge grin on my face too, and suddenly everything looked and felt happy.

But of course nothing is permanent, especially happiness, it is definitely transient. And this was proved when like the rude jerk that he is, Diego opened his mouth.

"Now, if introductions and compliments are made and received. Can I have some food? Compliments don't satisfy a hungry stomach, only a hungry pride." He commented and my grin of few minutes ago turned into  a very deep frown. 

Ava just chuckled lightly, probably used to his behavior. Or maybe..because Diego is her boss.

"That was so unnecessary!" I chided once Ava was out of earshot after serving us our breakfast.

Diego raised an eyebrow, and looked up at me smirking, "Many things are unnecessary yet we do them."

"No, we don't." I countered. The mysterious glint in his green eyes was a clear evidence of the mechanical wheels in his brains running in full swing. Must be planning something ridiculously devilish.

"Well, we do." He said and his tone definitely didn't call for any further arguments. In my rare moment of smartness, I decided to keep my mouth shut and continued eating my food.

It's been a while since I last talked to anyone except for Diego, and I am not even sure if I can call what I have with him 'talk'.

"I want to go out and buy some things." I finally said, once we both were done with eating.

"What things?" He asked.

"Personal girly-stuff." He raised an eyebrow at me like I am some nuclear weapon.

"What personal girly-stuff?" He asked, if I didn't know better I would have thought he was just  making inquiries but I knew better and he was just messing around.

"Just stuff, Diego!" I was exasperated with him to say the least. Blame it hormones, but I really was.

"Like tampons and stuff?" He asked raising both of his eyebrows and though my eyes widen a bit, I managed a response.

"Yes." I lied, partially.

"Oh sure. Go." He said, and stood up from his chair and turned around to look at me, "But, why do you need them when you already have them?"  He raised both his eyebrows at me again, his jade eyes daring me to lie to him. 

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