Chapter 19 - Sneaking Out

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--Sneaking Out--

"It felt nice to have you back in my arms, Sky." 

He actually said that, it was not my imagination. I wasn't sure if I was happy about it or not. What I know was that I was certainly not neutral about it. I was definitely feeling something, what? I wasn't aware of.

There was no going out before 7. And it was only 2 in the afternoon for god's sake! What the fudge am I supposed to do to pass these dreaded 5 hours confined in this room?

Maybe go out..

When did I really got this rebellious bone in my body? Maybe the day I met my lovely friend, Ruchi. I wonder what's happening in her life at the moment. Last time I met her everything was in a frenzy with her. I so need a new phone and that too real quick.

I decided to sneak out of my room for a bit. What's the worst that can happen? What's the worst that Diego can do? Spank me? 

It was 4:34 p.m. and my resolve of sneaking out was becoming stronger with every passing second. I was bored to death here. I wonder how Adana was holding up..well she have a phone to keep her company at least. Who knows..she might be planning to insult her fiance more. Not like anyone can insult someone more than what she'd already done, but when you are talking about the Queen Bitch, you never know right? 

  I doubt it if Diego will still be here. He never went to work today and even if he is here, he will probably be in his study. So, if I am careful, I can very well sneak out.

Sneaking out was something I wanted to do for a long time. Since, now I am kinda friendly with those guards. I mean yesterday, one of them nod at me. It's a good sign of friendship right? I can talk my way out with them, hopefully.

I quickly grabbed my jacket since you can never really predict weather here in New York and unlocked my door. It's a wonder in itself that Diego didn't bothered locking it from outside. 

The moment I stepped out of the door, I heard a clank, but I wasn't wearing heels. I looked at my right and the bitch in all her glory was looking at me with shocked expressions very similar to mine.

"You!" We both exclaimed loudly.

"Shh.." Adana said quickly and closed the door of her room.

"Our rooms are adjacent.." I couldn't believe this. I was living adjacent to this bitch all the time.

"And I was wondering where those sickening vibes were coming from." By the time she finished her sentence, my jaw was almost touching the ground. When in the world the sweet, little Adana became this snarky? 

"Snarky, are we ?" I smirked, looking at her and she frowned in return.

After a moment of silence, I couldn't control myself, "So, you were sneaking out too?"

"Of course. Diego can't confine me in this room of his." She looked rather proud of herself. Arrogance runs in the blood of this family. 

"Sky, babe, arrogance isn't the only thing you know.." Adana said, smirking to herself as if reading my mind. Was I that loud? Maybe. Not that I care, Osorios are nothing but a pain in the ass for me.

"Oh, of course, Madness is one trait among others too, right?" I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her comeback which well wasn't what I was expecting.

"At least, criminal records are not one of them."  She said, raising an eyebrow of her own. Bitch.

"Wasn't it a low-blow for someone who is so on top of the world?" Sarcasm dripped through my tone like blood drips from a gun wound. Well..yeah..not the best comparison ever but you get the point right? And more so, that both sarcasm and gun shots can really potentially hurt a lot.

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