Chapter 16

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School sucks lol

I'm having the woooorrrsssttt writers block right now.

and by the way, I think I'm going to be doing reader's responses from now on bc I only get like 8 comments and 30 votes then I get like 700 something reads so i know yall are there you just aren't responding!

I'll start small. If I get around 15 comments and around 60 votes for this chapter, I'll update next chapter ASAP. (:

Enjoy x


Chapter 16


She was actually coming home. Finally. I felt happier today. I checked my YouTube and decided to film a video.

I got out my camera and set up lighting and sat on my computer chair.

I started filming and put on my best smile. "Whats up guys. So you're probably wondering why I haven't been on YouTube for almost 3weeks. Maybe you'll find out later." I said, the smallest hint of a smirk on my face.

"So today I'm doing a simple video. By the title you may see it's called 'Top 5' and basically, I have 5 themes on my-well Caspar's-handy dandy phone," I whipped out Caspar's phone, "and I will be telling you my Top 5's for each. Let's get started then." I flashed a smile.


"Are you alright?" Aria asked swinging the door open. Donovan looked freightened. "Were you awake...?" he asks.


"No, I was sleeping and bumped my head which woke me up." I 'sleepily' smiled.

"You should get ready." Aria said, walking out of the room. Donovan smiled nervously, running a hand through his hair.


My hair was swiftly pulled into a messy bun and I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Might as well get ready now. The dark circles under my eyes made me look horrendous. I sighed before brushing my teeth and applying makeup to my face, covering especially the dark circles.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the guest room that I never got a very good sleep in. I didn't bother changing out of my pajamas. A knock occurred on the door. "Come in!" I instructed.

Donovan walked in, surprising me. What was he still doing here anyway?

"Good morning." he smiled warmly. "Morning." I replied almost hastily, before snapping my head back to my closet that I had stuffed with my clothes about two and a half weeks ago. It was sort of a mess now.

"So you're still coming to dinner tonight, right?" he asks. I begin to pull out some of my clothing and fold it. "Yup." I reply, not looking at him.

"Listen, Zoe, I've been wanting to tell you something..." he said to me, and I turned to face him. I guess he was a little attractive; his hair was a darker brown than mine and was pushed back most likely with gel. He wore khaki shorts and a deep blue polo shirt with white vans. "What is it?" I asked, quickly turning and walking to the other side of the room where my camera and mobile were charging.

" see," he rubbed the back of his neck. "ever since I first met you, I just...I couldn't stop thinking about you. You're amazing, really, as cheesy as it sounds." he chuckled, "and I just I still can't stop thinking about you and well, you're amazing and.....I already said that." he rambled. I giggled at this flustered Donovan.

"Zoe, can I take you out for lunch?" he asked me with confidence suddenly clear in his voice. I was taken aback at first.

"Donovan..." But then he frowned at the floor and I thought...what's the harm? "I would love to." I beamed. I looked down at my pajamas. "It will take me a minute to get ready though." I giggled.

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