Chapter 5

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Hey guys, sorry its been a while! I told you I would make up for my short chapter last time by writing a lil Zalfie sweetness in this chappie c:




Chapter 5


As we arrived, Alfie escorted me out of the car. I smiled at him. "Thank you." I said, wrapping my arm around his as we walked into the tall building. I saw groups on a big dancing space in the middle, while other groups were on the outside of the floor eating. "Marcus, you didn't tell us this was like a ball!" I exclaimed.

"I didn't tell you two." he smirked. "Let's go dance, we'll all eat later." Caspar said. I nodded awkwardly and took Marcus' hand. "Why with me?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?" I giggled. Marcus shrugged. "Why not Alfie?" He asked. "Why not you?" I smirked, dancing near him as dance music popped through the speakers.

Marcus danced to the music, having a good time. I was getting a bit tired as a voice blasted through the speakers. "Everyone find a partner and lets go slow..." The soothing voice said. I nervously looked around as suddenly I was shoved from behind into someone familiar. Caspar and Marcus were doing this.

"Hi Alfie." I said as he smiled. A slow song started to play and me and Alfie shot each other an awkward smile. "Well then, I guess we dance..." He stated nervously. I nodded and gulped as he snaked his hands around my waist and I did the same to his neck. We swayed gently back and forth. I saw Marcus watching from over a random girl he was dancing with's shoulder. He winked as I rolled my eyes at him. The cheeky bastards meant to do this.

I leaned my head on Alfie's shoulder. My heartbeat slowed down as we were stood there for what felt like forever. I looked up, sparkle in my eye as Alfie looked back down. "This is a wee awkward..." I stated. He leaned in and I panicked. I started to lean in too, but we were both startled by the blaring upbeat music that sounded throughout the room. We both flinched and threw back. "Let's go eat, huh?" I suggested.



I was close. Very close. Close to kissing Zoe. She just looked so perfect tonight; any man would be glad to call her theirs. But we're just friends; too close of friends. Sure, I'd date her, but our friendship would be ruined. I just don't want it to be that way.

Zoella and I trotted over to the snacks where Marcus and Caspar were stood, talking to some ladies. "Guys, how about food?" I asked. "Help yourself." Marcus said. I shrugged at Zoe as she grabbed two plates for us. We picked some snacks and went to have a seat at a distant table.

It was quite awkward, then again, this whole night was pretty awkward. "Alfie, do you feel that the boys are...doing something suspicious?" She asked me. I nodded and pushed my plate away. My head still hurt a little bit. "Are you alright?" she checked. I sighed and looked into her eyes. "No." I replied.

"Now, everybody grab a partner cause it's slow dancing again." The Dj's voice said. I was still looking down as Zoe played with her fingers. Two idiots dragged us up to the dance floor. "Have fun!" the two blonde boys teased. I rolled my eyes as Zoe and I got into a dancing position.

"I knew they were up to something." she mumbled. I chuckled and nodded. "Me too. They always are." I replied. We danced to a slow song, it was enjoyable. "Listen, I don't know about the boys but I-" I started as a pair of gentle lips touched mine. Was not expecting that.


"Did y'all have a good time?" Marcus asked in a Texan accent. I laughed quietly. "Yeah, sure did partner." I replied.

I got ready for bed and headed to the bathroom when Marcus stood in front of me. "So, I saw you two." He remarked as I blushed red, if it was visible on my left cheek through the makeup. "Saw us what? Dancing?" I faked. He scoffed. "I saw you two..." He looked around,

"kiss..." he said with an eyebrow dance. I rolled my eyes. "It was a friendly thing." I said. "Yeah because I kiss girls for friendship. Come on, I'm not retarded!" He whisper-yelled.

"Did you and Caspar both see?"

"Yes sir. Very romantic. Better remember the song." he teased before walking off and humming 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri, the song we danced to. I rolled my eyes and (lightly) slammed the door.

It wasn't their business anyway!



Oh my. I can't believe I kissed him! I kissed my bestfriend! I mean, he just looked so good and it was like his lips were calling me; his eyes held a romantic gaze and I just couldn't take it!

So I kissed him. I was sat on the couch, hugging my teddy bear as Caspar walked in. "Soo, did you enjoy tonight Ms. Zoella? Or should I say Mrs. Zoella Deyes?" He teased. I felt my cheeks burst with heat. "I prefer Zoe. Surprised you didn't take that girl home." I sarcastically replied, winking at him. He glared at me as his cheeks just got pinker. I smirked and set my teddybear aside.

"I saw what you and Alfie did." he stated, almost proudly. "W-what? You saw us do what?"

"Kiss." He giggled.


Okay that was Chpt 5 and I know it sucked but wh00ps

Anywhore, I'm sick, that's why my stories are taking long, also because....

I'm lazy lazy lazy never see the sun

I know it's been 5 hours but it feels like 1

My ovaries have vanished, theres not a single one,

Never gonna get some, cause blogging is fun.

Aha but the song Daylight by Maroon 5 describes my relationship with my computer perfectly. @zaynsdirtyhips

So, yeah. I hope you enjoyed that you lil peels love youuu

Again, thank you little sweeties for 700+ reads again, like I was so excited. I like this fuckery.

Nicole xx

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