Chapter 3

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Hey peels x

Been a while! I think I'm going to have like uploading days, and if I miss a day, you guys can totally yell at me for it or whatever.

So anyways, nothings going on really. My friend is being a bitch but other than that, Im happy. Got Starbucks and some Maybelline mega plush mascara today. Oh and food! Went grocery shopping with me Madre c; now I'm no Mexican, but I know that means Mom. Ahah anyways, onto this chapter.


Chapter 3


Me and Alfie walked outside of the store to see a huge group of people outside on the street. "What on Earth is going on?" I asked. Alfie just shrugged. I grabbed his arm for support as I tippy toed to see what was in the huge crowd of people circling around something.

Alfie turned me around and smiled. "Hold on." he warned before taking my small frame and lifting it up onto his shoulders. I was quite light, so he did no complaining with my weight.

I saw two familiar people in the middle of the crowding people, and three others who I couldn't identify. "Alfie! Its Caspar and Marcus!" I yelled, pulling at his hair. People were yelling things like 'fight!' And other inappropriate things I am not comfortable saying. "What are those idiots doing??" Alfie yelled back up at me. I looked down and frowned. "Looks like fighting, let's go." I said as he started to walk towards the conflict.

I played with Alfie's little bit of hair in nervousness. He squeezed my legs a bit in reply. We got close enough to actually see what was going on. Alfie grabbed my hips and I squealed, holding onto him for dear life as he put me down on the ground.

"I'm going in." I told Alfie. He grabbed my wrist. "No way! Zoe, you're going to get hurt!" He said. I sighed and came back. "I'm going in." He said. "What, no! I'm going with you." I said, grabbing his hand. He looked back at me and nodded as we both pushed past the people. We got into the center, the three men ganging up on Caspar and Marcus. I squeezed Alfie's hand before letting go and running to the shady men.

"Get away from them you jerks!" I said loudly. Everyone in the crowd let out an 'ooooh.' I smirked. The guys all turned around to face me. One of them picked me up and slugged me over his shoulder. I shrieked and pounded his back with my fists. "Hey let her go!" Alfie yelled.

I turned to see him running toward the man who was holding me. Alfie knocked him over and grabbed me before I fell, to which I let out another shriek. I was put down and saw Caspar getting up. Marcus was fighting another man bravely. I spotted Alfie running to me and Caspar before being knocked out with a punch to the face. I let out a scream and covered my mouth.


It had been an hour ago since the police came and got the men off our backs. We had gone back to mine to relax. "What did you even do to them?" I asked. Caspar sighed. "We were just trying to get us some new shirts when we bumped into them and they dropped all of their items. And then I kinda sorta pushed a shelf of clearance items on them to slow them down. They weren't happy, so we ran into the women's section where I found a bra. Then we found you, then they found us..." Caspar explained. I let out a small giggle, then straightened my face.

Alfie's head lay in my lap as I put ice on it. Before you say 'ZOMGIZZLE ZALFIE MOMENT AHHHH' and start fangirling, I'll have you know that this was just a friendly gesture. Alfie had a black eye, for crying out loud! "It hurts..." He groaned, touching around his face. "Stop it! You'll only make it worse." I scolded, slapping his hand away. "I'm hungry." Marcus said. "Well, go get food!" I said. "Rude." He said under his breath before opening the door and motioning for Caspar to come with him. "Bring something for us!" I called.

"You doing ok?" I asked, placing my hand on Alfie's forehead. "No..." he mumbled as he sat up. "I want tea." He said, rubbing his head. I nodded, walking to the kitchen and preparing tea. He lay back down. I smirked a little as the water heated. I tiptoed over to the couch and stood over it. I rubbed his cheek gently and pecked it. By the way, you still have no permission to say that this is a Zalfie moment. No no no. He opened his eyes and smiled. "Thank you for trying to protect me." I said, ruffling his hair. He reached up to touch my cheek as I blushed a little. We stared at each other.

I leaned in slowly, very slowly, as the tea kettle piped. I shot up in suprise, as it was very loud! Way to ruin the moment, you stupid tea kettle. Wait, no, I don't care, I don't care! That moment was nothing; it never happened, I don't care! I don't have feelings for my best friend. No, no, no!! I ran back to the kitchen and finished making tea.


Okay guys, sorry that was short, but I'm trying the best I can! So I have decided The updating days! These are starting next week. If I miss them, you can be mad at me, but most of them are scheduled for these days, not destined. It all depends what will happen that day. Remember that. Oh and don't worry, I shall explain myself and update later.

Fall For You- Sundays

She's Not Afraid- Fridays

The Directioner Project- Saturdays

Oh and you guys are probably wondering why I am calling you peels. Well, I will upload 'She's not Afraid' chapter 5 and you will find out.

Also, during Spring Break, I will be uploading more!

Love you guys!

Nicole xx

Fall For You (Zalfie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora