Chapter 17

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Hey guys! I said the last chapter should get 60 votes but it doesnt really seem like its going anywhere. honestly, i'm sort of diappointed. it got more than 500 reads and im kinda bummed only about 30 of you voted. The comments were fine though (:

its not that hard guuuyyyysss. just press that little star and everyone is happy!

well this chapter is sort of a filler. even tho lat chapter didn't get as many votes as i wanted, i'm still anxious to write this chapter.

i apologize in advance for the shortness but enjoy xx


Chapter 17


"Yes! Yes thank you for this opportunity. I won't let you down. Thanks." Caspar said into the phone.

"Who's that?" I whispered. He held up his finger for me to wait.

As he finished talking on the phone, I kept searching for mine. It didn't make sense that it had just disappeared out of nowhere. Maybe I lost it on a night out. That thought disappointed me, but the truth hurts, I guess.

"I can't believe I just got asked to go help film a movie in Los Angeles!"

"What? That's great!" I yelled. "How?" I asked.

"Well my friend Jaylan's uncle is a director. He told him I make videos and said he watched a couple. He said I was a classic comedian and invited me to LA!" he exclaimed.

I give Caspar a big hug. "That's awesome, mate!"

"Thanks Alfie. Did you wanna come with me to LA?" he asked.

I thought about it for a minute.

Pros: I didn't have to stay in the flat by myself; Just California in general...

Cons: Zoe's coming home soon. I want to see her. Plane tickets to the states are expensive...

"Thanks Casp, but I think I'll stay here." I tell him.

He shrugged. "Okay. I'm going to be gone for a month or two or three. Will you be alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine mate. You should live a little." I smile.

"No, you should live a little." he grins and punches my arm. We both chuckle.

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"Next Tuesday." he tells me.

That's in 4 days.

I nod. "Sounds good."

"Alright. I'm gonna go hang out in my room, maybe pack a little. You know where to find me." he says.

I walk to my room as well and slump onto my bed, drifting off to sleep slowly.


"Flight 356 to London will be departing in 20 minutes." the intercom man announces in the airport. I stand from my uncomfortable chair and start walking quickly to the terminal I should be in.

Soon enough, I'm boarding the first plane back home. It's relieving that I will be able to see my friends again. Odette can't do anything. I don't even think Odette is her real name.

It must be something lame like Mary (haha no offense all the Mary's out there) or something.

I snap out of my thoughts when a woman abruptly tells me to walk forward.

I finally find my seat and relax.

I'm not going to worry about anything on this plane ride. I am going to relax and hope I get to London on time. I slouch into my chair and sigh. It's going to be a long trip.

Ugh, no Zoe. Relax

No, I need to get this off my chest. I pick up my phone and click on my contacts. I dial Caspar and Alfie's apartment number. They don't really use this phone.

It rings about five times, then goes to voicemail. Ugh. Then an idea pops in my head. I click on my notes app and start writing.

Dear Alfie,

I feel really foolish for stealing your mobile.

I just didn't want anyone to get hurt. I miss you so much but I guess I don't really want things to change that much when I get back. Well, I do but...I don't. I love our friendship. I don't want that to go away.'s true. It's true what they say.

I'm not sure...well my mind hasn't made up if I love you just as a friend, or if I love that. It just feels weird. We've been friends for so long and I don't know if it's right or wrong to like you.

I don't know if you feel the same way but I can't control your feelings. If you don't feel the same...

We can pretend this letter never happened.

Either way, Alfie;

I love you.


I'll write this out and give it to him later.

My head spins as I re-read it over and over. I love you. The words are etched in my vision and I can't see straight anymore.

I love Alfie Deyes. But not in the way a teenage fan does. I love him.

I finally relax and put my earbuds in as slowly fall into a trance of sleep.


"Ma'am, we've arrived in Pittsburg." the flight attendant wakes me. Everyone around me is pulling their luggage out of the top compartments. I'm surprised I slept 8 hours of a plane ride.


I walked all through the airport and finally found a way out. I took a taxi cab to a hotel near by the airport. It seemed like the best one in the area, anyway.

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