Chapter 15

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Hi guys.

Zalfie's real Zalfie's real heeeeee im so HAPPPPYYYY.

So anyway, it's come to my attention that my authors notes are too long.


Well, Sorry if this upsets you, but 1. I have a line, if you dont want to see me babble, simply find the line and read(: 2. I work hard writing this story so i can put whatever I please in it. Not to sound snobby but I like to write updates and whatnot. In fact I may just move them to the end.

Thank you c:

I'm going to name songs I listened to whilst writing this chapter:

Gravity -John Mayer, Dreaming with a Broken Heart -John Mayer, 100 Years -Five For Fighting, and Look After You -The Fray.

But I think the song I was listening to that describes these last few chapters best is Come Home by OneRepublic its an amazing song (:

And thank you guys for telling me to continue. You guys boost my confidence, ily all xx

Enjoy c;


Chapter 15


I turned on my phone and there were the 16 messages. There are also 3 voicemails.

2 messages from Joe, 4 from Louise, 3 from Tanya and Jim, and 7 from Caspar.

Joe: Hey. When are you coming back? Call me ASAP.


Jim: Zoe, when are you coming back? Me and Tan are worried!

>> please answer!

>>Zoe, please come home. -Tanya.

Louise: Zoe, if you're getting this right now, I love you. Please come home soon. Chummy needs you!

>>Zoe, who was that lady?

>>The one who was threatening you the day before you left?

>>Please answer...I miss you

Caspar: Hey girl wassup?!

>>Zoe when did you leave? Where are you?

>>It's Alfie...I need to know if you're safe. I need to hear your voice. Call please.


>>Please...please call as soon as you can. Or answer my calls

>>or my texts. Please Zoe.

>>And stay safe.

>>Its Caspar, Zoe, Alfie needs you.

I just reread the messages from Alfie over and over. I guess I didn't think through the phone stealing plan. I mentally laughed at myself.

I played the voicemails from my inbox.

"First voicemail. December 2nd, 1:45 PM." the robot voice said. "Zoe. Where are you? Are you going to answer my texts?" Alfie said desperately.

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