Chapter 4

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Hello loves! I am sssooooooo sorry for late upload. But anyways, so like, I'm sorry I haven't updated. I said I would, but you all know good and well that I am terrible at schedules

But anyways Truly, Madly, Deeply.

Gaahhh assflglshsbxjay

That is such a sweet song. It was like my fave when the album came out. I'm listening to it and Zayn and Niall's voices in this song...BOOM. There go my ovaries. But Zayn's voice always makes me weak.

Anywhore, I'm sick and I feel like shit. Ugh. On spring break, like really? I fucking hate Spring. I like Winter. You know why? Cause it's not spring. I like fall. Cause it's not spring. I don't like summer, it's too bloody hot! But do you see my point?

I hope you guys are having a good spring break unlike me


Chapter 4

Alfie was still on the couch, sore, as Marcus and Caspar had brought us food. "When are going to eat, sweetie?" Marcus asked Alfie in his 'mother voice.' It made me laugh a bit as I walked to the dining table. What have you got?" I asked. "Tacos!" Caspar shouted. I heard Alfie groan from the couch; the noise was probably giving the poor boy a headache.

"Guys shut up." I said. Marcus just chuckled and bit into his taco, but Caspar glared at me. "You shut up." he said. I rolled my eyes and started to eat.


"LETS GO CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY TILL WE SEE THE SUN, I KNOW WE ONLY MET BUT LETS PRETEND ITS LOVE AND NEVER EVER EVER STOP FOR ANYONE, TONIGHT LETS GET SOME, AND LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG!" Marcus and I yell-sang. "Shut the hell up, my head hurts!" Alfie exclaimed from the backseat. I giggled and so did Marcus. "Why did you come with us?" Marcus asked while he kept his eyes on the road.

Alfie shrugged. "I have nothing better to do." He said, pressing ice to his face. "Are you sure it isn't because Malfie?" I asked in humor. "It's because Zalfie.." Marcus mumbled under his breath. Alfie shot him a glare that he caught through the mirror and immediately changed the subject.

It was a bit confusing,; I was a hard Malfie shipper. I laughed at my thoughts which earned me some strange looks. I smiled sweetly at the boys and turned back to face my window. " to downtown, yes?"


"It's because Zalfie.." Marcus said quietly. I gave him a cold glare which said "shut the hell up you twat." Sometimes Marcus doesn't think before he speaks. He just...speaks. And it's quite annoying.

I know the fans are all 'Zalfie crazy' and they tell us me and Zoe are too blind to see that we would be the cutest couple ever, but honestly, I don't agree. Sure, I like Zoe a lot, but more of a friend way. Maybe 10% is 'wow you look stunning and I fancy you a little' but like I said; 10%

I mean seriously, she's a beautiful girl, but just...I don't think it would work out. I don't want, the typical, our friendship ruined or if it doesn't work out, we'll still hang out with 'the crew' which would be awkward... "We're here, yay! Time for shopping!" Zoe clapped. I removed the ice from my head for good, it was feeling a bit better.


"Alright guys, we're going to formal dinner tonight, meeting some other youtubers; we have to stay professional." Marcus instructed.

I changed into my suit and walked ini the main room. "Niceee." Caspar said with pointy fingers. "Looking sharp." Marcus complimented. "You look beautiful!" I joked to Marcus. He pretended to blush and giggle.i was laughing a bit hard when Zoe walked in.

She wore a dark blue dress that hugged her in all the right places. The dress wasn't too short, but not too long either. Her makeup was perfectly plastered on her face, and a clutch in one hand. "Aww, you lads look wonderful." She said to us with a genuine smile. "You look wonderful as well." Marcus and Caspar said (creepily) in unison. "Wow, that is an ugly dress." I teased. It was a joke, obviously, as her appearance was still a bit shocking. She gave me a scowl and I pulled her in for an 'I'm sorry, just messing with you' hug.

Zoe looked up and examined my bruise. It rested just below my eye, smack dab on my upper cheekbone. "You can't go out like that." She said. I frowned. "Here, I know." She said, leading me to the bathroom which earned me an eyebrow dance from Caspar. I rolled my eyes as the small, petite girl made me sit. She stayed standing and grabbed a small bag that she pulled a small bottle out. "This is concealer." She informed me.

Zoe put the stuff on my face and tilted a mirror towards me. The bruise below my eye was gone. "I feel weird wearing makeup." I said, scrunching my nose up and chuckling a little. She giggled and helped me up as we both walked out of the bathroom and back into the main room. "Let's go then, shall me? Can't be late." Zoe smiled at the boys, still holding my hand. Marcus mouthed 'Zalfie' as my cheeks started to heat a bit. I mouthed back 'shut up' as we all walked to the car.


Hey guys! I started this a fucking week ago and look! Short chapter! Im sooo irresponsible I'm so sorry loves. Forgive me. I will do make it up to you in the next chapter {:,' maybe.

Nicole xx

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